So this is where we are.
Here's the initial post on his injury. And here's the last update, because it's hard to post gory photos over and over.

And here's the extra bandage change due to shitty weather. I actually put him in a stall for two nights because it was supposed to rain.

I send photos every bandage change to my husband. While not a veterinarian, he is a medical professional and I trust his opinion. He assures me that the giant knot will eventually go down. As soon as this thing closes, I'm going to start using Heal Quick on it.
Anyways, one night I was lamenting the fact that it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. He went back to the initial injury and pointed out the areas that were going to die. He was spot on.
Every time I take the bandage off, I compare it. The amount of yellow versus red. On the 26th, I had the extra benefit of finding two sutures that had sloughed off. I'm expecting the other two to join them any day now.
The vet okayed him being out in the lane pasture when all of this started. And verified that it was still okay once he pulled those four sutures. I specifically asked, "What about when he gets the fall friskies?" Vet said: it's going to happen. Let it happen. I guess because activity increases blood flow, oxygenated blood, and he's structurally sound on it? I thought going off bute would help settle him down. It hasn't. Here's a video.
(yes, I adjusted that right standing wrap immediately afterwards)
Our next recheck is scheduled for 1/1. I'm not sure what'll happen then. I've got my figures crossed that we've successfully avoided sequestrum.