More like: A Jogger.
I can't remember exactly when it started. Octoberish? Well, really it started a few years ago, when I was in college. As a requirement for graduation, I had to take a wellness course. I put it off until one summer, when I decided to take Wellness - Jogging. The class met every night, Monday through Friday, for five weeks.
After moving my body in that sweltering heat - Georgia in the summer, mind you - I was able to take my mile from 11 minutes to just over 9.
So, back in October whenever, I had the urge to start running again. I've had little bursts of running urges periodically since college, but this is the first time I've actually determined to keep up with it. Care about the pace and distance and form. The shoes on my feet, my body's reaction, the heart beats per mile.
I did my first 5k in December. It was Savannah's epic Bridge Run. It was a pretty nice run: a decent incline, a decent descent, and a cold beer afterwards. My time was about 34:40. Something like that.
I did my second race in February. This one was a bigger pain in the ass, less organized, and I had to spend more time training. It had no inclines, as the bridge is really the only sizeable hill we've got, but twice the length. For training, I slowly brought myself from three or four miles to eight. I could comfortably do eight miles in about an hour and a half. Not breaking any records, but damn. Eight miles is pretty fucking long when you're taking it step by step by step. I finished the Critz Tybee Run in 1:09.
Tonight, I'm doing my third race. It's just another 5k. And completely flat. It'll take me through historic downtown Savannah and I'll get to see, at my 11 minute mile pace, more of the city than I ever have. I get another notch in my running shoes and the March of Dimes gets some donations.
This photo is from the Tybee run. I'm not the prettiest when it comes to exercise. :)
Oh! And the hubs and I standing where we got married - race was that close to it.
Learning is Fun
2 days ago