
"The pleasure isn't in doing the thing, the pleasure is in planning it."
-John Green

Guys.  I'm so freaking excited.  A little anxious, yeah, but I bought a whole new bottle of Tums, and I still have my trusty Xanax, so I should be okay.  

The trainer chick texted me this morning that she still didn't know specifically what time the new horse (we'll just call him Number Five) is coming, but that they had decided that he would be stall bound overnight and turned out with one of the geriatrics during the day.  So, Archie never really has to meet him, except over a fence.  I'm okay with that.  It also means that I don't have to worry about how they do the introduction.

We also went over all the details for the move.  They are:
→ Meet at 7:30 at the barn.
→→ She hooks up trailer
→→ I give the Kid a light breakfast
→ Load a bale of peanut hay (hey, BO, you never got back to me on this, so I'm going to just take one, mkay?)
→ Load the Kid
→ I follow in my Horse Crap-laden Subie
→ Go to new barn, unload horse and hay
→ Wave to trainer as she drives off, never to be seen again (I mean, probably?) 
→ Put Archie wherever new BM tells me (round pen?  walk him into the new pasture and just go for total immersion? a quarantine pasture?  I should have asked)
→ Start pulling Horse Crap out of Subie and making a hole for myself amongst the other boarder's stuff.
→ Probably hang out and watch Kid (taking photos!) for a little while
→ Go home and take a nap.
→ Psychotically check on Kid later in the day.
→ Plan to ride on Monday.  And maybe Tuesday.
→ Lesson Wednesday.

I thought that maybe Wednesday might be too soon for a lesson (the tone of BM's text sorta implied that she thought the same thing), but I figure, what the hell?  I want to take a lesson.  I want a horse that can go to a new barn, have his brain mildly fried, and still listen to his rider.  I'll probably take Monday slow, but I don't want to make the new barn A Thing.  So, I don't get to be anxious about it and he doesn't get to be an ass about it.

You will all be pleased to note that I bought new paddock boots.  I know, I know, I could have put another year on my current set.  I mean, baling twine is an infinite resource, right?  But I want to make a less-trashy impression on the new barn.  If that's even possible.

I also bought other crap, like a nameplate for the trunk (I don't have stamps that large) and clearanced sportsbra (regularly $35). 

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  1. Hope the move goes well! I know you are excited :)

  2. Keep that torn pair as backups :P

  3. I am excited for you!! And go you for having a lesson Wed!!

    Can't wait to see the pics of the new place!

  4. I'm excited for you and feeling the exact same way. I don't have a lesson planned (although I totally would if new trainer wasnt going out of town next week) but I am nervous and excited for my first ride at the new farm. Huey got tonight to hang out but tomorrow he is getting a ride... And his extended vacation is officially over. His butt (and mine) are back to work at least 4 days a week starting now. Both of our butts could use it I think.

    Happy for us! :) I think well both be in better places now. Did you end up picking a trunk up?

    1. I can't wait to ride tonight in an actual ring!

  5. I just bought a name plate for my trunk too. Is it sad to be excited for it?

    1. No! It's marking a possession! I'm super duper excited about slapping that nameplate on my trunk!

