

I'm itching to tell y'all about the magical things I learned while at the University of Georgia's Horse Owners' Seminar.

However, being an actual horse owner takes precedence and I want to update on the Kid.

When last we left off, the faithful steed was being treated for an abscess.  This required twice daily epsom soakings, bute, and a boot with icthammol.  And nighttime stall board, to dry out his feeters.

Friday morning, I met with my BM who had agreed to take over the soakings and bootings.  We both watched him walk, looked at each other, and unanimously decided that the dude had blown the abscess.  A few texts with my vet resulted in a change in plan:  no more bute and no more soaking, but continuing to boot with icthammol and stall board.

Sunday morning, I received a text that Archie's leg was swollen.  What'd I want to do?  It took a couple hours for me to get the text and reply (...I was sleeping in) and I asked if she could give him some bute.  She replied that she would, but that she also dry wrapped his front legs.

I got out to the barn at about 5:30 last night and Archie's leg was a little sausage from his knee to his hoof.  I cold hosed with no improvement and finally iced for a few minutes.  Then I poulticed and wrapped his leg, shoved some bute in his face, and tossed him in his stall bootless, because it seemed reasonable.

This morning, I got up early - like the leg was going to be magically better overnight and I could go to work on time - to pull my wrap.  Now, not only was the left front a sausage, but his left hind fetlock was hot and swollen to the pastern.  BM had an appointment with the vet already, so I sent him a text explaining the issue and put Archie back in his stall for a couple of hours.  Then I went home and took a nap.

The vet said that the abscess is still there.

Left front swelling directly resulted from the abscess.  Left hind from stocking up in a stall all night.  The new game plan, after the vet cut another little chunk out of his hoof:  still boot, still use icthammol, dry wrap overnight and apply Surpass (which, after dropping $60 on, I found out that a certain someone could have gotten me free samples) during the days.  So tired.  And then I'll see the vet again on Friday for vaccines and coggins.  He offered to do them today, but I'm going to be there Friday anyways.  Annnd... I want the recheck.

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  1. So frustrating. Hope it bursts soon!

  2. Poor guy. Hope he comes around soon.

  3. Abscesses drive me nuts! Archie get better NOA!

  4. Blah abscesses!! Hope he feels better soon!!

  5. You can also order Voltaren from Canada for $20-30 a tube. Same exact thing as Surpass. I try to always keep a tube on hand.

    1. ..Or I can get the hubs to bring home free samples. Muhahahahaha...

  6. Fingers crossed the Archmeister feels better asap

  7. I love Canada and that my mom lives there! Voltaren creme! Also, hate abscesses, so very frustrating!

  8. Ouchie, sorry you are in our club! I rather like abscesses in a weird way -- annoying, but FIXABLE! It's hard to be patient though, sigh. Silly Encore refused to even abscess, noooo, had to get the vet to cut out the damn bruise, sheesh. I'm not sure what it says that the best part of my day today was that I did not have to put duct tape on any of my horses' feet. *eyeroll* They do teach us to lower our standards!

    Ichthammol is great stuff though. I have not used Surpass in a looong time, only ever used it for Solo's back injury, had never heard of putting it on a foot, interesting! I hope Archie drains out and feels better -- motion is your friend, every step helps things heal faster!

    1. You know, in re-reading my post, I wasn't very clear. I'm gonna blame that on getting up too damn early.

      He is actually getting a lot of motion - little bugger cantered off like NBD. I'm not clear in my post, but he's only in a stall over night and that's most for his right front, which keeps losing shoes and looks like crap and needs to dry out.

      The Surpass is actually for the swollen areas on his cannon and fetlock. No idea if the hoof would actually absorb it!

  9. I've never heard of using Surpass for an abscess before. But then again, I've only used it once and it gave my horse blisters soo... yeah. There's that.

    1. Not using it for the abscess. Using it for the inflammation resulting from the abscess.

      My vet said that it could scald, but advised me to not use it with wraps and showed me exactly how much to use. Here's hoping!

  10. Absesses are the worst. Hoping for a quick recovery for your pony!

