
Dirty, Dirty Pony.

In case anyone was wondering, I didn't accept the job offer from the vet's office.  I told her that I would pass the word that she was looking, but that I was content where I am.

The weather has been random lately.  Friday, after the vet visit, I had all intentions of riding.  As we were leaving the office, I had to scrap those plans due to the rolling thunder.  Is this a me thing?  Rain, fine.  Thunder?  Fuck no.  I ended up just going out to the barn and giving Archie a solid grooming, some treats and his beet pulp.

This was disgusting.
You can kinda sorta see the sprinkles on his sun-bleached coat.
While he ate his beet pulp and generally hung out, I opened my most recent SmartPak and discovered that my newest bottles of fly spray had exploded.  I got a whopping $10 to cover the clean up and loss.  Woo.

It leaked all over the cardboard box and the wrapping on the supplements.
I rode late on Saturday and just worked on our flatting.  He'd gotten his feeters did last Wednesday and it was like a different horse.  I don't think his farrier has ever done such an amazing job, but his feet had also never looked so damn pitiful prior.  I think his supplements are working well, coupled with shitty wet/dry weather, and he had a lot of growth and chipping.  Dude gets done at least every six weeks.

Of course I don't have any photos of his feet.

Flat work was followed up by a itty bitty trail ride - which we haven't done much of since the bugs came out to play.

Sunday, I set up my favorite one-stride exercise.  I'm getting better about not ripping myself to pieces, but I also want a trainer.  I don't think it's fair to Archie for his rider to jump like shit and expect him to be a saint.  I need instant correction.  ..Though, the Kid is a great teacher.

(For whatever reason, the iPhone decided to stop recording about the time that I dismounted and set the fence he knocked over back up.  Whatever.)

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  1. Damn, for how expensive those fly sprays are I'd expect more than $10!

    1. Dude. Me too! I mean, still usable, but I lost a lot and the whole having-to-clean-up bit. I'm not a willing cleaner.

  2. How do you set up your phone to record yourself?! I ride alone 90% of the time, too, and would love to start doing that!

    1. Bahahaha. I set it on something solid (sometimes checking to see if what I want in frame is actually in frame.. like this time, it doesn't always happen) and turn it on. Then I spend a few minutes afterwards editing out the empty frame time with iMovie for iPhone.

      If you wanted to get really fancy, there's a product called "Trigger Trap", which talks to your iPhone and a dslr. The purpose is that when the iPhone senses that the scenery has changed, it'll tell the dslr to take a photo. I would love to have that, so the husband wouldn't have to come out anymore.

    2. Thanks for the tip! Definitely going to give that a try. My husband is a pro photographer, but he is almost never at the barn because he's shooting weddings and more 'important' things :-P

    3. When I grow up, I want to be a pro photographer! You are so lucky! You should still have 800 amazing photos, because we all have to practice.. and, hey, there's always the day that he inevitably gets burnt out on weddings and is more willing to shoot ponies!

  3. I had the same issue with the fly spray that I ordered from SmartPak. I was really just trying to get over $75 to get free shipping, and we always need fly spray. However, I don't think I will order fly spray from them again.

    1. Yeah, I think I'd be much more satisfied with the instant gratification of walking into a TS and buying the same products for slightly more, but ensuring that they won't be spilled all over the inside of the UPS truck.

  4. Ugh hate it when things explode!

    I like how Archie stopped half way over the vertical haha! Talent :)

    1. Seriously! And then doesn't even bother to pick up his back end.

  5. Boo on exploding fly spray - but yay on pedicure helping the Archmeister, reminds me my girls need doing...

    1. I've been with this farrier for almost four years now. I don't love him, but he's decent and reasonably priced and he'll normally tack a shoe back on at no additional charge.

