
Scheduling Snafus.

1.  I brought my camera to work with me today, in an effort to expand all the shit I shoot (like puppies! TFS, totally getting that on a shirt now).

2.  Krav Maga has fucked with my life schedule.  I need tips.  How does everyone else balance All The Things?  How many times do y'all ride a week?  Do you feel like the worst horse owner in the world if you miss a day?  Or cut a day out completely?  Once upon a time (really, when was this?), I rode five times a week.  Now I'm good if I get four.  I feel like Archie needs as much time under saddle, to assist with his muscle tone and soundness and flexibility and mind.  But I also feel like some time off benefits everyone.

Current Schedule.
I think I can take photos before Krav Maga.. today will be the test!
This schedule also makes me lose a gym day.. technically, I'm still working out at KM.

3.  While my preference will probably always be trotting in to fences, I'm trying to make myself canter more.  It can't get better unless we work on it.  I can't get more comfortable with the feel of it unless I do it a million times.

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  1. I am also 294783x more comfortable trotting to fences... including a 2'9 XC fence. Yes I'm that weirdo.

  2. what else do you do with your time? Bloggin? Tv? Dinner? Significant other? I work full time and usually 2 or 3 a night..and still have time to do other things. I try to leave one day where I don't ride at all. I have a routine though, and I plan my week in advance which helps.

    1. Oh, god. I totally resisted a dirty joke. I did. Grown up, here.

      I get off at 5, fifteen minute walk to the car, 45 minutes to the barn. Home by about 8 or 8:30. Cook dinner, eat dinner, catch up on random stuff (animals, nails, photos, plants, laundry). Though, for the record, the TV is generally on in the back ground.

      Other days, non-riding days, I generally get home by about 7 or 7:30. And I also take one day to do nothing. Yesterday was that day and I mowed the back yard while the husband grilled. Bliss.

      I've got a routine and a micro-routine and everything is pretty precise and structured. I guess the problem is that I wanted to add to my routine, which requires the loss of something else.

  3. I work full time, and typically ride 4-5 times a week, and it is HARD. My husband and I break down our schedule the weekend before and figure out the best time to do what. And if I'm feeling too rushed, or stressed about riding I usually take a day to just catch up at life. Riding's no fun if you are cramming it in between 5 other things, and I don't think the ponies mind too much!

    1. My hubs and I just do the same things, over and over, every single weekend. Lunch. Photos. Gym. Errands. Home. Barn. Dinner. Rinse and repeat.

      Occasionally, I have those "fuck the world" days, too. But then I feel so guilty and useless. Like I bailed on KM last week and took an hour long nap instead. Woke up refreshed, but.. restless.

  4. I'm a cyclist "on the side" so I completely understand scheduling conflicts. It's very hard sometimes to squeeze everything in, especially for me from Oct-Jan during cyclocross season. Sometimes I just have to double up and do two a days.

    1. Oh! Oh! I cycle! Or... I used to, before we bought a house. My hubs was "semi-pro" (whatever that is) in college as a result of his roommate being a real pro. I haven't touched my Giant in like.. a year. :(
      Here's a photo!

    2. Ok, I swear we all need to have a designated "non-horsey hobbies" day on our blogs. LOL Blog hop idea, anyone? My fiance is a bike racer too, although he's more roadie and def not semi-pro. ;) I started in triathlon then worked my way over to crit racing before falling in love with cyclocross. Still do the occasional crit though. We're a Specialized family, fiance is the manager at a bike shop and he's a diehard loyalist. ;)

    3. Blog hop blog hop blog hop blog hop!

    4. I'm not a blog hop creator I'm merely a willing participant, someone else will have to do it!

    5. Dude, if L creates it, it'll explode.

    6. You ask and I shall receive for you?? grammar fail.

  5. I ride 3-4 days a week, but he also gets a training ride so the horse gets ridden 4-5 times a week. I think a day off is good for everyone!

  6. I rock climb! Or... I used to before we bought a house :). Dealing with the same issues over here- feeling like I'm running from one activity/ task to the next. My husband and I have "date" night every Wednesday when we come straight home after work and do something fun together- watching a moving, cooking dinner, going for a walk. Otherwise we don't connect until 8:30 or later every evening.

    1. I want to try rock climbing! But.. inside. With mats. Not where I could actually plunge to my death because I lied about my weight.

      But, yes! This, exactly - like 8:30 is the magical reconnection time. Pisses me off that I spend more of my waking hours with coworkers who are essentially strangers than with the person I actually care about. Grr.

  7. You know me, riding was numero uno but since losing carlos, its kinda numero uno and a half. i give myself meh whatever time now. Ride 3-4 days a week, last couple weeks only twice a week and you know what, I think the horses don't mind not being worked.

  8. I think it's important to give yourself a rest day. I do a lot of different things as well, and I would rather pack a couple into one day than spread them out over the week. That way I get one day - one beautiful day - where I do absolutely nothing. I just sit on my couch and eat and watch tv and soak up laziness. I try to ride 6 days a week, but in reality, I get to the barn about 4-5. I think it's about juggling the other things in your life as well. For instance, you have a husband. I have a cat.

