The other day, last week, some point this month: I didn't have a book to read during lunch. As should be no surprise, I am a voracious reader and leave lunchtime socialization to those better equipped. So, yeah, no book is a big deal.
I always carry a book, though. Generally something horsie that I know I'll eventually peruse. This time, it was Enlightened Equitation by Heather Moffett.
I didn't get very far before it became immediately apparent that I don't have a very good feel for Archie's leg falls or movements. From reading about her butt, lower back, magical self absorbing the movements, I started to wonder if I sat like a sack of bricks. I mean, we've all heard about the potato rider. What if I'm the cement truck driving my ass into his spine?
So, Friday. I hopped on the Kid bareback and walked to the river. The whole point was to feel him move and to move with him.