The Game Continues.

I've been listening to audiobooks like a mad woman. First, it was the Fault in Our Stars, which was stupid of me, because who wants to cry about terminal teenagers while either driving towards your injured horse or driving from your injured horse and towards work. Time passed quicker, though. 

Then I "read" one of the shittiest vampire chicklits I've ever encountered. I'm too ashamed to even mention the name and it's not even Twilight

So now I'm on to Harry Potter. 

It's been a really, really long time since I've read Harry. I'm right at the point in book one where he's just joined the Quiddich team and Oliver Wood is explaining the rules. And Oliver mentions a rule that I don't remember: the game is not over until the snitch has been caught. 

And then he jokes about a game having lasted three months. 

This little tidbit resonated with me because I realized: we haven't quite caught the snitch. 

Here's to week four of wrapping. 

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  1. good luck! a horse at my farm was on stall rest for a few months this summer due to a nasty deep hock wound, and the vet said something about 'don't be surprised if you're still doing the daily wrapping/cleaning at christmas'. but the wound very suddenly turned a corner and the horse was back out in the field not long after.

    1. I say a little atheist prayer every time I unwrap this thing. I hope we turn a corner soon!

  2. I have read some of the Sookie Stackhouse books. I can assure you, they are pretty embarrassing.

    1. Psh. I have read all of the Sookie books. In fact, I re-read them at least once a year. Hello, Quinn. Meow.

      This was worse that that.

  3. I want to know the name of this series you speak of lol

    1. Me too. I didn't think there was anything worse than Twilight.

    2. *cough*

      Twilight wasn't actually that bad. This one was like a c or a d version of Twilight.

  4. Join goodreads, name & shame chicklit vampire book with pride & write awesome book reviews while you're at it. Cos they will be epic *thumbsup*
    Love the HP series although really only as of book 4 onwards, 4 is my hands-down fav of the series...I mean come on. Luxembourg made it to the latter stages of a World Cup won by Ireland!!! Things never likely to happen in any Real Life Sport, it's like JK Rowling catered the book to me & my obsession with HP.

    1. Ohhhh, there are actually a ton of great reviews about how horrible this book is. I just couldn't stop b

  5. Ahh I love HP! I definitely have "read" (listened to) all of the books a bunch since discovering audiobooks. Fingers crossed!

    1. Many thanks to the hubs for hooking me up! British accent, too!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks! Could you send alcohol or chocolate, too? ;)

  7. any post with Harry Potter in it is an automatic winner.

    1. Yeah, have to focus on the happy things. Only so much of bitching about a bloody leg that one can do, right? Bloody. Like the British guy reading.

  8. I read The Fault in Our Stars on the plane back from Vegas. I bawled on the plane in front of that was awkward.
    Sending healing vibes to your pony :)

    1. Maybe they thought you lost big or got hitched to a stranger?
      Ironically, I actually watched TFIOS while flying to Vegas! Tears, too.

  9. Maybe Archie's leg will start leaking gold? That'd be pretty cool.

    1. Wouldn't that be great? But then I wouldn't want it to heal!

  10. I adore Harry Potter. Forever and ever. Listened to TFIOS this past fall and cried quietly in my car to myself. And I even gave in and read all of the Twilight books around the time the last one was released just to figure out what the hype was about. Reading <3

    1. Soooo. I've read all the Twilight books, too. Multiple times. No shame! But seriously not on par with HP and not nearly as horrible as the other vampire.

  11. Audio books are amazing. I just finished up War and Peace and am working my way through the Satanic Verses.

    Chik lit is sort of not my thing.

    1. May you never need the mind-numbing power of a fluffy novel!

  12. I just finished re-reading the HP series.. so many details I had forgotten.. Love! Then I just started reading 'The Magicians' by Lev Grossman- it pays tribute to HP and Narnia, but it definitely an adult read.. so far so good!

    1. I'll have to look up the Magicians! And yeah, I can't believe how much I had forgotten. Even watching the movies on regular, there's so much that's different.

  13. LOL at your "can you send alcohol and chocolate" comment. I feel like I need to explore the world of audiobooks. I'm a total newb.

  14. I've been wanting to get into audio books, but i'm not sure i'll really invest myself into it. I may have to give them ago!

    1. Check out your local library! That's where I got everything except Harry.

  15. I've never listened to audio books before. I'm impatient and I don't think they could read them to me as fast as I could read them myself. Haha.

    As for the pony, if I've learned anything from Walker's various bouts of illness/soundness issues, etc., just give him the time he needs. You'll catch the snitch soon enough!

    1. I've got the HP books on my iPod and there's actually an option to speed them up! I don't mind the rate at which this guy reads, though, because he does all the voices and is a perfect Hagrid.

      And thanks! I have a hard time being patient. :)

  16. I'm a newcomer to your blog via your bloghops -- as in, I just looked it up today -- and though I know absolutely nothing more about you, your horse, or anything else, you are now my new favorite because the first post of yours I read was Harry Potter related. Accio rest of blog, pronto! ;D

    Your new fan,
    Amanda, a horseperson and Harry Potter nerd

    PS: TFIOS *destroyed* me. Kudos for listening to that in the car. I would have crashed!

  17. Harry Potter reference = awesome!! Also please tell me what the book is. I'm doing a 2015 reading challenge and one is to read a book with horrible reviews! I must know the name of this book! You can email me hehe. :D Please and thank you!

