
For an atheist, I have some pretty weird beliefs.  Some of which are hard to justify.

  • I believe in ghosts.  The supernatural.  Dead man talking.
  • I have, historically, read tarot cards.  This isn't something I do often because a lot of it is just an avenue for a person to talk about what's bothering them with an objective third party.  That's what your friends are for.  For the record, Ouija board scare the snot out of me and I've forbidden my husband from buying one.
  • I don't believe in faith.  I believe in determination.  Alternatively, I do believe in luck.  If I see butterflies before I ride, I'm gonna have an awesome ride.  If I see wildlife when I'm riding, then we're pretty much going to be invincible. 
When I rode yesterday morning, I knew it was going to be an awesome day.  I knew the whole day would be great because as soon as I walked out of my apartment, I saw two butterflies feasting on my zinnias.  

When I pulled up to the barn, I saw two red cardinals.

When I got on the Kid, I saw two blue jays.

When I asked him to pick up the left lead canter, I saw two skinks.  Seriously, I'm not making this up.  And then, after a brief reminder, he picked up the right lead and maintained it. 

We had a great little session and he got a little bath and his linament and beet pulp.  Then I went home, showered, and my husband and I drove to a local city to pick up a bike.  I'm the proud owner of a Giant OCR 3 in light teal, size women's small.  I'm dropping it off to be tuned up tonight.

I was supposed to take photos at the animal shelter yesterday, which I totally wasn't feeling because the drive wore me out, when I found out that someone had stolen my day and already done my job.  Perfectly fine.  So I went and looked at the kitties.

Hubs and I have been talking about a Siamese for a while now.  He grew up with one and it's his ideal cat.  We already have two dogs and two cats in 1200 feet.. but an additional cat wouldn't kill us.  I don't think, at least.  

Imagine my surprise when I saw a gorgeous little female Siamese at the shelter.  Hopefully she gets adopted soon so we don't feel obligated.  Her name is the same as the book I finished reading at 12:43 yesterday morning.

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