Chomping Zombies with Teeth.

Another random post about the random things I encounter.


When I got into the office today (late) (again), I had a feeling very similar to déja vu.  Except the walls of my office felt very familiar because I felt as though I had skipped all parts of going home last night and, instead, this morning was simply a continuation of yesterday afternoon.  It was disconcerting, to say the least.  And mildly depressing.

But, when I really did go home yesterday:

Savannah had eaten something.  Fortunately, it wasn't anything I really gave a damn about ($1 Xmas cards from Target).  Knock on wood, the camera tells me that nothing has been destroyed yet today.

After pretending to be very grumpy that she ate a small cardboard box (do her gums hurt?  has the introduction of the little monsters amped up her anxiety? does she hate me?), I walked the girls and brought in D's packages.  Of course, his damn mail arrives and I'm still twiddling my thumbs, hoping he has something to open for Xmas.

D had yet another late day, so I took some pre-workout crack, made up Archie's beet pulp, and headed to the track.  I hadn't run in two weeks.  Really.  Two weeks.  I am thankful, so incredibly thankful, that my body is of such structure that taking time off does not inhibit my ability to go randomly to the track and bust out three miles.

I'd recently purchased (stupidly, because I think it is/will be on sale soon) "Zombies, Run!"  This year is the year of speed work, so I thought it'd be nice to have a little motivation.  I don't want to ruin the story for anyone, at all, but I can honestly say that it kept me engaged and I really, really enjoyed it.  Well worth the $8.  It was motivational without scaring me - me, running in the dark at the mostly-empty track; me, with my anxiety and sensitivity to things that quicken my pulse.  I maybe should have messed around with the tutorial prior to using it, though, because I'm gonna have to google some things.  Like, why did I lose supplies?  And was I really caught by the zombies?  (Wouldn't that have technically ended the game?)

The next 5k, which I still need to register for, is planned for January 5th.  There's this gorgeous, secluded farm called Bethesda Academy within a couple of miles from our apartment.  It's about 650 acres (wiki is wrong) of farm land and woods and marshland.  They've opened the gates to enable us to trample their property.  I'm super stoked because I love the looks of this place.  We pass it every time we go to Mexican, which, if you know me at all, is pretty damn frequent.

I once met a dog trainer who regaled the audience with tales of how he domesticated a "wild, black stallion" whilest doing some work at Bethesda.  I call bull shit.  Pics or it didn't happen.

Speaking of wild stallions, the grumpy gelding was all nestled in his sheet last night when I went to visit him after my run.  I didn't have any cookies to ply him with, but I did have his beet pulp.  I'm thinking that was good enough.  The plan for tonight is to go home, walk the dogs, and head directly to the barn.  I don't plan on being able to ride (though, the light outside still looked rideable at 5:45 last night), but the Kid has a vet appointment tomorrow morning and I hope to pull his mane prior to it.  I mean, nothing wrong with a longer mane, but I want my Kid presentable.

I'm pretty sure that my vet, with his old school, cowpony experiences, will scoff at the idea of supplements.  But I plan on asking him about a few since SMARTPAK INCREASED THEIR PRICES!  Oh, only 25¢?  Per day?  So my bill goes from $95 to $102?  Awesome.  I'm especially excited for that come next Spring when I have to go from one scoop of OneAC to a twice-a-day scoop.  That's already pretty pricey.

Oh, here's something weird:  my vet says that yearly floating is a method that veterinarians use to ensure that they get their hands on your horse at least every six months.  As such, he hasn't floated the Archman's teefers since his first visit together, two years ago.  At every single vet visit since, I've requested that Archie's teeth be checked and that they allot sufficient time to float if necessary.

In other news:
Powdered peanut butter.
45 calories for 2t.
Christmas cards are FINALLY DONE.

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  1. My vet also says the darndest things, and I will miss him tons when I move to Sav. Usually he says things along the lines of "if you want to get your horse chiro or massage I can do it for a nominal fee hahaha".

