Happy Fall, Y'all.

Third pasture!
I went out to the barn on Friday and we did flat work.  I love that I am at the point that I can differentiate, because it means I'm doing more.  Just trying to remember to lengthen my leg, keep my upper body immobile, contract my lower abs, keep my hands in front of the saddle, shorten with my elbows, maintain contact, squeeze with my calves and not my knees, and breathe.  Yeah.

When I was finishing up with Wonderpony, who was amazing and willing and trying, BM was leading a lesson horse/rider from the woods and advised me about a change in hunting season.  Seems there won't be any major trail rides any time soon.  Bow hunting season has started and even though part of the land has been marked, she worries.  So I was told to stay on the main trail for the time being.  Talk about scary.  I might invest in a fluorescent vest.

On Saturday, I set up a cross rail with a ground pole and a cavaletti.  The Archer was not impressed.  We had to go over it several times and he never gave it the same respect that he gave the larger crossrail that T3 had set up.  I tried to capture some of it on video.  I might be special.  You'll see.  (Tomorrow?) Unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of time because light was fading and I still had to feed him.
Go ahead and get up early.
I'd planned to ride yesterday, but awoke to rain.  And then it proceeded to drizzle all freaking day.  It was nice to have a relaxed day inside with nothing super important (other than lunch, photos at the HS, a workout at the gym and the crash of my external hard drive).  And this morning, BM texted me that the Kid had thrown a shoe.  Fucker.  I wish he could go barefoot.  Thankfully, BM has the responsibility of contacting the farrier (I asked if I ought to).

This weekend, we're going to the UGA vs. LSU game.  It's the hub's birthday weekend and my schedule next week is going to be all sorts of weird.  And then our third anniversary is Wednesday.  I'm a horrible wife and still haven't gotten him anything, but hope to remedy that tomorrow.

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  1. What all those links I sent you and you still haven't purchased anything!

  2. Orange vest for you and orange half sheet for Archie :) lol

    1. Seriously! I like the idea of an orange half-sheet for the Archer. Embroidered, of course!

  3. Gotta love the timing with the throwing of shoes...

  4. We had hunting at the last farm Hue was at and I stayed all the way away from the tree line. Too scared of being shot accidentally. A vest is a good idea!

    1. And a foghorn thing to warn all the little deer that a predator is in the area!

