Half-Naked Men (NSFW-ish)

I interrupt your regularly scheduled Archie update for something not horse-y at all.  Also, you can't ride them because they're so carb-deprived that they'd either pass out or slit your throat for a doughnut.  Not that I would know... (it was a cupcake).

And this is really only NSFW-ish if your job is prudish or your boss watches your screen over your shoulder or what you're looking at gets projected onto a large screen for small children to look at.  Then don't.  But I work in IT, so wtf do I know?  (I know what the bottom of a 25 oz can of Razz-ber-rita looks like, hint hint.)

To tell this story properly, I have to take you back to November of 2011.  My new husband and I flew from Savannah, Georgia to San Diego, California to watch my dying cousin get married. Here's a photo of yours truly with red hair and my darling natural ginger by my side.

My 6'3"+ husband was pushing the scale at over three hundred pounds.  I want to point this out, because I feel like it's important:  at no point, at no place on the scale, did I ever find my husband unattractive.  I still feel like I'm super fucking lucky to have landed this handsome man.  (Witchcraft.. shhh.) My biggest concern was his health.

In 2012, he made the decision himself to get fit.  My blog starts around this point and I was already pretty active between horseback riding and running.  He added Insanity to our lives and the weight almost melted off of him.  By the end of the year, he was down roughly a hundred pounds, but awkwardly skinny.

In 2013, we moved from Insanity and Asylum to working out in a physical gym.  D got back up to 220, lifting weights and building muscles.  In 2014, he started working with a professional bodybuilder as a nutritionist and trainer (I'll gladly give contact information if anyone is interested).

And a couple of weeks ago, my darling husband competed in his first fitness competition.  So here we go..

This isn't him.

Not him either.

This was like.. the heavy weight body building class.  Biggest guys there.

Number 55, facing front, had the absolute best personality and an unbelievable grace in his movements.  He won "best poser" for the entire show.  He also started jostling the heavy weights, which was hilarious.

The way the competition went:  every presented in show attire in the morning for "pre-judging".  It was legit as fuck.  I paid $30 just to attend pre-judging.  And this was the real competition.  All the decisions were mostly made during pre-judging and afterwards, we got that cupcake.

We came back for "the show", which was more entertaining and took slightly less time, but this thing was an all-day event.  Registration was at 7:30 that morning and we walked out of the building at 10 that night.  Super intense, moderately boring, but all the naked, glistening people!

The weeks leading up to the competition were really rough.  Towards the end, D was working out twice a day.  Sixty minutes on a step climber before breakfast, 60 minutes again that evening after lifting weights for at least half an hour.  Six precise meals a day, only unsweet tea and water.  It was really fucking rough, guys.

He didn't get a trophy (fuckers), but it was great for his first competition and we know what to do for the next one (March?).  Also, let's just end this on his competition spray tan..

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  1. WOW. Props to your hubby for all of the hard work and dedication that goes into what he's accomplished! That's amazing!

  2. I was just about to say holy spray tans! So impressive that D decided to make a change for a healthier him. I don't have enough self control to do anything like that.

  3. Incredible transformation! Go hubby!!!!

  4. major kudos to your man! also that spray tan is amazing with the ginger lol

  5. Aw, good for him! The spray tan is my favorite part :)

  6. That is true beast mode right there!

  7. Handsome has more to do with health and happiness than a number on a scale. Good for him for doing it, and good for you for supporting him.

  8. Awww, congrats Mr. Owls Approve! That's awesome!! I went to support a friend once that was competing and had a ton of fun cheering on everyone. It was great to cheer people on and see them be so proud of all of their hard work.

  9. Good for him!

    Not going to lie...the amount of muscle on the bigger weight classes creep me out.

  10. Wow, what an amazing transformation!

