All the Drugs.

I snuck out into my horse's pasture in the dark last night, bearing a broken-up carrot and a syringe.  I gave him his fifth Pentosan injection and fed him the bits of broken carrot.  Loved on him for a moment and got my fill of that horse smell.  And then I glanced over to the jump still set up and fell apart, yet again.  I don't even think it's about the jumping any more, so much as it's just everything.  The maintenance my old man requires in order to feel like a functional and comfortable horse.  The idea that we're plugging holes on a sinking ship.

Archie had his hocks done on Thursday.  He's had them done before, back in Aiken, and lemme just say again how much I love my current vet.  I question seriously if I would be able to provide as much maintenance for the old man if the vet didn't have such reasonable prices.  This round of injections cost me over two hundred dollars less than the place in Aiken, which was so long ago that I'm certain they've gone up.

In Aiken, getting his hocks done.  I'm gonna say maybe the one time my horse has had a twitch on?
Getting his fetlock done.
I sure do miss that tan!
Recreating memories.
(Remember the post where I asked for guidance on what to give my team?  I tipped the farrier and sent the vet a gift card to an online music store.  BM gets booze.)

So, the good news:  y'all were dead-on about the cost of Pentosan and as soon as I mentioned it to my vet, he sent the script and I had a bottle in my grubby hands by the end of the week.  I've budgeted for the year (yes, the YEAR) and I've finagled everything so that if he starts feeling the slightest bit shitty, I have enough wiggle room to do either his hocks or his fetlock at any point.  Maybe even both, given the week.  Fingers crossed we keep this ship from sinking for a little while longer!  

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  1. Great gifts for the team. Good job keeping the ship afloat :)

  2. Glad the Pentosan worked out for you. I could in no way afford Adequan, or deal with their frequent supply disruptions, and it's kept my guy moving comfortably. Fingers crossed for Archie!

  3. Or today is great. Worked very well for Houston Imo. You're doing everything you can! Great horse mom.

  4. I just started my three on Pentosan Gold (has glucosamine). Two of them were on Ichon. While Klein was feeling GREAT on it I wasn't happy with how Wes' hind end still was. The old man was still pretty stiff for trims. My vet said it wouldn't hurt to put Mochs on a joint injection too. So, when I decided to give Pentosan a try, Moch was added to the regimen. They just got their first injection of the four week loading dose this past Thursday. Klein and Wes got it in their hamstring, Mochs was going to get it in the same spot but was not happy about it that night. Soooo, I gave it to her in her neck instead and she had some swelling the next morning, and she never has had an issue. The swelling was gone by the next day. No hair loss either, but it has only been a few days. Another reason they are going to get it in their hamstring. Sounds like its working well with Archie?

  5. *big hugs* So glad that your team is awesome!

  6. Yahoo for a great vet and affordable stuff!!!

    And an awesome team!!

  7. Such love being sent your way, wish was closer to help somehow!

  8. you sound like a lady with a plan - fingers crossed you see a big difference with the pentosan (i've heard so many great things about it)

  9. Glad you've got a new plan and a great vet. :-)

  10. Hoping that the New Year brings you good news :)

  11. Hugs & best of luck with the Pentosan! And it may feel like a lot of holes, but he's still had less injections than me, heh, so that counts for something, right? Glad to hear about awesome vet prices -- the ones who understand & help us poor folks take the best care of our buddies are truly priceless. I just got Solo's Adequan this week, Mr. Needle-Hater will be back in the boob-poking gang again. Because of course he decides to retire himself in a way I can never pull his shoes & I have to put him BACK on expensive science juice. They certainly never make it easy, do they? But I'm still glad you've got your two boys you love to hug & hug you back, that in itself in a treasure. <3

  12. Getting old is no fun for anybody, but it is better than the alternative. Here's hoping he starts feeling better soon!

