The Tack Room.

When my dear sweet hubs asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I said a helmet. I've had the Tipperary for less than the recommended time and I've never fallen in it, but I had two concerns: it lives outside (in humid, disgusting Georgia) and it's gotten fugly. Unfortunately, the fugly is in the straps.

I told him that he could just get another one off Smartpak. And somewhere around that time, Archie was kicked. The good man took pity of me and said that, instead of just buying what I already had, let's make a day of it and go to that tack store I always reminisce about. 

So we did. 

The Tack Room in Camden, SC is unlike any other I've ever been to. It is solely English. And it is huge. Thirty thousand square feet huge. 

So here's your photo dump:

What you don't see:  the jump/saddle room on the right and the furniture/clothing room on the left.

Jump/saddle room:

Um.  The most expensive saddle I've ever lovingly run my hands across:  a $4,000 (used!) Voltaire.

A sidesaddle.
Center of the main room:

Haynets, buckets, boots, bell boots, wraps, etc.

Grooming stuff.

More grooming stuff.  Custom pads.

Obviously, I didn't photograph the entire store.  It was huge.  And this chubby tattooed woman sort of stuck out with all the preppy hunter princesses.  #sorrynotsorry

They were doing a (massive) sale of 25% off one item (minus saddles, jumps, GPAs, etc.).  So I browsed the nicer helmets.

GPA First Lady.

And this is why we can't have nice things.

And what actually came home with me!  oneK Defender in matte black.  Relatively Stable has already shipped the monogram.  :)  
$168 +tax.
Thanks, husband!

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  1. Okay, I've heard stories about that tack shop, but I've never been - and now I REALLY want to! xD

  2. That place looks AMAZING! I desperately want to go but fear that my financial situation would implode the second I stepped foot in a place like that.

  3. Holy...
    That place is like my heaven! I wish there was something like that here.
    Gorgeous helmet too!

  4. Holy crapola that place is the shiz!
    Fab helmet choice lady *thumbsup*

  5. ALL THE THINGS!! That store is what I imagine heaven to be like ;)

  6. I will take all those thing, thanks.

  7. That place is incredible!!! For future reference, in a sidesaddle the leaping head (the lower one) should go over your left leg, not under.

    1. I googled that afterwards! I was like, how the fuck am I supposed to reach the stirrup like this? As I was already in stealth mode sitting on it, I didn't fiddle too much with the parts. Good to know!

  8. OH MY GOD! That's my first tack shop, and my home barn is just up the road. Thank you for the trip down memory lane (of course, it used to be TINY!). Man, if only I'd known what I had when I lived in Camden. sigh.

  9. I don't ride English but ahhhhh I want to go there. So many pretty thingss. Why can't Tennessee have nice shops?!

  10. That helmet looks great and oh my, what a tack store! Jump standards and everything! I have never been to one that crazy before (I can dream!!).

  11. WOW, now THAT is a tack shop!!! I really like how the One K looks on you, too. I'm glad your husband is doing a good job of taking care of my wife.

  12. I've been there! Seriously cool place! Love your helmet choice!

  13. I love the helmet you picked! The voltaire saddle...drooooool.

  14. Good choice. I would love a OneK for myself.

  15. I want a side saddle and a voltaire... And all the other things. Thanks for the pics!

  16. Love the OneK on your, it looks great! (I think the First Lady looks super dorky on everyone. We have some at work and I always try to steer people away...) I love the jump section!!

  17. I really wanted a OneK but sadly it didn't fit me and the Samshield did ($$$). Yay for Relatively Stable monogram!

  18. I love my OneK! It's what I bought to replace mine after my accident. Going to have to make a special trip to Camden now...didn't realize we had such luxuries so close to home!

  19. oh man what a tack store! Congrats on the helmet and that GPA First Lady wtf. lol

  20. Hmmm... the First Lady looks a little too much like a black pith helmet... or something. The OneK totally suits you. :D

  21. oooh awesome ! i've never been to a store with JUMPS before lol. that one k looks great on you too :) so nice of your hubby to take you on a little field trip!

  22. That's quite the store! Helmet looks great on you.

  23. Love the snazzy new helmet! I'm impressed you got out of there only buying one thing!

    1. Bahahahaha! The hubs only bought one thing. :) I'll post about my treasure eventually.

  24. I'm pretty sure that's what heaven looks like!

  25. Looks like a dangerous place! ;)

