Galloping Graphics

I first saw this ..artist? store? product?.. on Instagram.  Because social media has replaced conversations and subsequently become the new "word of mouth."  Which is to say, it hit my feed.

Not all of the graphics and mottoes resonate with me, but I appreciate the style and simplistic renditions.  I think it's something I could replicate, but not something I want to - she does a damn fine job.  It's all really cute and fun.

She's got a Store Envy site here.  The prices are pretty reasonable, especially for custom art.  A simple digital image is $5, a button or sticker of that image is $10 (total, not additional).  Most of the pre-made stickers are $3-4.

I sent in a photo of Archie from one of our little shows and asked her to flip flop some of the colors around.  Turn around wasn't super quick, a couple weeks and a reminder email, but she's young and the sole artist and was at least super professional.

Now my only problem is deciding where to put them!  I think the tack truck is about to get more personality.  I've also reached out to her for another one with Ox and permission for her logo.  You might have noticed that the blog got a face lift.  It's still in the works, but I decided it should look like an IT professional runs it.  Sorta.  I plan on adding a link to my favorite small businesses on the side bar.

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  1. I love that last one! I must have it!

  2. That you only have to hold things & we're all mad here are awesome! I think I need them in my life ... off for some more insta stalking

    Also the one of yourself and Archie is the shiz 😍😍😍

  3. I keep hemming and hawing over ordering from her. I really love some of her decals, and right now my tack trunk is rather boring!

  4. How cool to have a sticker of yourself!

  5. Those are very cute! It would look good on the side of that grooming box you made a long time a ago. But maybe you painted it...can't remember.

  6. the chin up is my fave, also the blog is looking sharp :)

  7. Did you ever get the sticker I sent you from them?

  8. I love her work and have admired it for a while... I just can't get into the sticker rage. I don't really have anywhere to put them!

  9. The blog facelift is blowing my peanut brain! Ahhhh! (love the Archie decal)

