Sans déc.

I'm going to try to make a more concerted effort to write consistently, now that I have two ponies and a weekly jump lesson on Ox to record.  Fingers crossed.

In this theme, I'm going to recap every fucking thing.

Birgette has been with us for six months and is amazing... except she has allergies and eats poop, but she still gives the best cuddles.

Scarlette's tumor has at least doubled in size in two months, and she's ripped it open, and it's infected.  So she'll have surgery next week.  Between the time of writing and posting this, Scarlette crashed.  This very second, she's at my vet's office, on fluids.  We don't know if she suffered heat stroke or if her cancer has become systemic.  I feel like life is really just various depths of hell.

Savannah is still my heart and still a fucking saint.  Go Banana.

Yes, that is a crib mattress.  No, it wasn't meant for my baby.  It got really good reviews for dogs!
Archie has been King of the Trails.  He led one super muddy, swampy ride around the property, during which he pulled his right front.  The muck was sorta intense, so he got a nice liniment soak and a lecture about not stepping on his damn heels.  Last weekend, he led another 5.5 mile trail at the Hunt Club.  He's grown into being such a trusting trail horse - he might need a little coercion, but I can take him anywhere, alone or with a group, and he's going to be his same sassy self.

Whiskey has already taught me so much.  Like patience.  Like so much fucking patience.  Every time I do ground work with him, and that's all we do because mounting has to be conquered before riding can start, I'm reminded that training is not a linear process.  I absolutely want the best foundation for him, so I'm going to take my sweet time making sure that he loses all his fears associated with the scary block of doom.  It's two steps forward and one step back, but at least we're moving forward.  Slowly.

My friend teaching me to flag/sack a horse.

He'll stand right there all day, until I walk over.
Because his mother is a saint, Ox's owner is still giving me weekly jump lessons on him on Sunday.  I really felt like these lessons were the most beneficial aspect of leasing him, so I'm glad it's continuing.  I had a few anxiety attacks the last few times, but I've been a lot better since my meds were upped.  We've still been working on jumping basics - getting a good canter, so we can get a good distance, so the whole course doesn't get fucked, while also remembering to breathe and sit up and sit him back for the turns.  You know.  Things that help you not die.

Looking at my boys from Ox's back.

D and I are doing pretty well - definitely trying to focus on the future.  I still have shit days, more so when people are shit, but D is set and determined that the best is yet to come.  I appreciate his optimism and my happy pills.  We're trying to plan a couple little trips, since neither of us seem able to get off work.  We were able to drive down to Jax one night and take my brother to a concert, but that's been about it for the excitement.

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  1. i'm glad you still get to take lessons with Ox! and glad that the horses are doing well. good luck with the ground work for Whiskey - these things always feel like they take f.o.r.e.v.e.r. while we're in the trenches.... but once you've gotten him over the hump you'll never regret the time it took! (at least that's the sweet little story i tell myself whenever i'm dug deep in some extremely frustrating training issue haha)

  2. Keep on keeping on, right? Take care, ride, and love.

  3. Hoping all the best for your Scarlette :) I certainly need to write more myself. I love that you have a little herd going now. Trail bosses are def the best. I am looking so forward to the future myself, the best is yet to come. And of course more ink.

