Months in the Making.

I rode both boys on Saturday evening and the differences between them are just stark.  Archie is a smooth operator, psychic in his ability to know exactly what I want, but with a streak of mischievousness a mile wide.  The guy has never had a problem telling me to go fuck myself.

I wouldn't necessarily say that Whiskey is confused about what I'm asking, but he's such a fresh slate.  I'm having to figure out what buttons exist, what buttons I've already installed, and how many huge gaping holes we've got left to fill.  Like, seriously, dude, how hard is it to walk straight?

So riding Archie was just easy and a no-brainer, but I've also had to reevaluate recently what exactly I've been investing in him.  It's so easy to think that I'm doing more than I am, but depression is a liar and I have to acknowledge to myself that I am probably spending more nights sitting on the couch, or, at the most, feeding them treats, than I am actively trying to get both boys fit.  I'll blame it on the weather.
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Anyways, it was easy on Saturday, but the little ass was still salty when I asked for transitions.  He does this stuff no problem on the trail (gallop, you say?), but seemingly takes offense when we're "working".  I don't care.  It's fun.

And then, finally, what really has been months in the making:  I cantered Whiskey.  For the first time undersaddle.  I know some of y'all will completely support the WTF in this scenario, but I wanted to wait to canter him until I had some better steering and some idea of how to keep him balanced enough for it.  He still wasn't balanced enough to pick up his right lead, but he did give me some great counter-canter.

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  1. Haha I totally get waiting. Zoë is not the most balanced thing on four legs so we're working on other skills and building strength before we go there under saddle. :-)

  2. Whiskey's canter is lovely in that clip. And no "wtf" from me: I worked with Lily for 3 months before cantering for the first time for the same reasons you waited to canter Whiskey. :) Safety first.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i gotta say - Whiskey is mighty cute!! i like his trot too! my first canter with charlie loomed kinda large in my mind too. ultimately it was nbd when we finally did it, but i didn't exactly regret waiting for the right moment either

  5. You guys look great! I'm sensitive about cantering new horses after my first installed a great amount of fear in me about the canter.

  6. I totally get waiting. It makes sense to me. He looks good.

  7. That canter transition on Whiskey was great!

  8. He looks wonderful! Loved that he stayed round and looked like he used his back in the transition. Woohoo Whiskey!

  9. Wow, he looks great Beka! I'm still trying to get my big guy balanced in his transitions!

  10. Ah Whiskey! He's so lucky to have found you.

