Archie's Mom

So, I completely lack any sort of ambition to write anything worthwhile.  In fact, I haven't a damn thing to report.

In that spirit, here's a survey that I stole from Carlos' Mom and Henry's Mom.  Oh, and reading between riding tells me that Mexi's Mom jumped on this bandwagon, too!

Splurge or Save

1.  Saddle?  Save.  (POS, "vintage" Stubben that is begging to be retired.) $120.
2.  Board?  Save, kinda.  Ultimately, it's a save because I'm saving on time and gas. $415.
3.  Halter?  Save-ish.  Pricey for a cloth one.  The saltwater air has turned it to rust, though. $~40.
4.  Bit?  Something of a splurge, for me:  Happy Mouth Double-Jointed Roller D. $55.
5.  Bridle?  Oh, save.  Bought it as a package with my Wintec and a saddle pad about five or six years ago ($400).  It's a Circuit and it's held up very well.  $50.
6.  Saddle pad?  Splurge!  Back on Track Contender II with Ultra Thin Line.  $190. (Yeah, the saddle was cheaper than the pad.)
7.  Trailer?  What trailer?

First Thing That Comes to Mind

1.  Halfinger? Gold.  (Not a name, just the color.)
2.  Quarter Horse? Poco.  Little chestnut mare that I started seriously riding after Duke died.  She got me jumping again (we crashed a lot).
3.  Thoroughbred?  Gratitude.  Love.  Speed.  Brains.  Archie.
4.  Warmblood?  Money.  (Again, not a horse.)
5.  Welsh Cob?  Rocky, the little gray bastard.

This or That

1.  English or Western?  English.
2.  Tall or Short?  Tall.  Very tall.  Big.
3.  Trail ride or beach ride?  I've only ever ridden trails; I'm dying to ride on the beach.
4.  Long mane or short mane?  I love it when Archie's mane gets longer in the summer and the tips bleach out.  But, generally, I try to keep it short.
5.  Hunters or Jumpers?  Primarily hunters.
6.  XC or Barrels?  XC, please!  One day, dear god, let me jump another cross-country course!
7.  Outdoor or indoor arena?  Outdoor.
8.  Trot or canter?  Trot.  So far.  Depends on what canter I get.
9.  Canter or gallop?  Erm.  Ideally?  Without fear?  Gallop.
10.  Paddock boots, tall boots or cowboy boots?  Paddock boots with half chaps.
11.  Horse shoes or barefoot?  Half and half!  Aluminum fronts, bare back.
12.  Saddle or bareback?  I feel more in tune bareback, but I can do more with a saddle and then I'm also not flopping all over his ouchie spine.

About You

1.  How long have you been riding?  20 years.  I think that makes me old as shit.
2.  Do you own or lease?  Own!  Six years now!  WHOO!  BOARD AND VET BILLS AND FARRIER COSTS AND CHIROPRACTOR.. I mean, it's excellent.  
3.  Breed?  OTTB.  (Because the "OTT" part is really important - baby's not one of those fancy, "I-have-nice-knees-and-I'm-not-completely-bonkers" Thoroughbreds.)  
Age? 15 years.  Born April 4th, 1997 in Kentucky.
Height? 16+.  I think it was 16.1 when I sticked him, but the paperwork just says 16+.
Name?  Bold Archer.
4.  Do you have any other pets?  What a silly question.  I'm a hoarder.  I embrace my title.
5.  If your horse were a person, what kind of voice would he have?  He'd be the dark emo kid that you had a crush on in high school - you never really know what he's thinking and you can only guess to understand his motives, but, dammit, there's just something appealing about a bad boy.  He'd have a quiet voice, melodic going raspy from all the cigarettes and booze.  Think, "Hello, my name is Edward Cullen."  Except with testicles.
6.  Does your horse have a color?  If so, what is it and what do you have in that color?  Archie's color is blue.  Primarily, turquoise.  He's had a multitude of halters that color, his old sheet was that color, his bell boots (before I caught on that they would just go a disgusting fade brown regardless of the shade that they started) used to always be a light turq.  Saddle pads.  The bar in my stirrups.  The reins, before they went ugly brown, too.  Grooming bag and most of the supplies.  In a pinch, any shade of blue will do.  Black is also acceptable.  Hunter green is to be avoided at all costs (even though his blanket is hunter green).
7.  Does your horse do any tricks?  Frightens people?  Carrot stretches?  Scratches his nose with his hind foot?
8.  Have you ever dressed your horse up for Halloween?  I don't have a death wish.
(BTW, this section wasn't really "about me.")


1.  Breed?  OTTB.  (Again, with the "OTT" part.)
2.  Discipline?  I'm a H/J rider that passionately wants to ride Eventers.  Even the dressage, dammit.
3.  Coat color?  Bay.  Dappled bay.  Red bay.  Blood bay.  Dark bay.
4.  Famous horse?  Ruffian, RIP.
5.  Horse race/competition?  The kind that I get to participate in.  Fox hunts are fun!
6.  Brand of tack?  The kind that fits and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.  I'd love it if nothing had to die for it, but the Wintec doesn't work anymore.
7.  Thin to do with your horse?  Take pictures!

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