Back from the Desert.

I didn't win.  But here are a ton of photos!  Yay!

At the Mirage..

On the strip, before I realized that my white balance was off.

We saw the Cirque du Soeil performance of the Beatles, called "Love."  We also saw Lorde perform.  

Outside of the Venetian.

The Mirage has their own dolphin pool and tiger exhibit.  Just beyond the topless swimming pool.  

The documentary "Blackfish" has sort of ruined exhibits like this for me.  They still got my money, though. 

At least this girl (Sophie - I asked) looked happy.

Big tigers fought over balls in the water.

Little tigers fought like kittens.

We rented a convertible.  Drove to the Hoover Dam.

The running joke that had me cackling:  in ninety percent of the photos of D where he is stationary by some object, he stands exactly like this.  When I get more time, I'm going to compile them.  Maybe this year's Xmas card.

After the Hoover Dam, we drove to Mandalay Bay, where there was a tiny aquarium with shitty customer service.  I've never seen a Lion Fish this dark.

The photos of the octopus need more processing (dark as shit), so here's a jellyfish.  I'm sad to say that they didn't name the octopus, which makes me wonder if they give it enrichment opportunities or just toss it in a tank.

As his birthday gift, I rented a helicopter to take us to the Red Rock Canyon.  I'm very, very thankful that I was able to do this.  He loved it.

After flying over the Red Rock Canyon, we drove there.  I am a much better model.

A cyclist saw us parked and offered to take our photos.  The tourists (probably us included) were all jerks, but every single local that we met there (servers, owners, this cyclist, the sandwich artist at Subway) was beyond nice.  I mean, incredibly nice.

Wild horse poop.  The Red Rock Canyon has a branch of the BLM and signs not to feed the wild horses and burros.  Unfortunately, I never saw any.

We meant to go on one trail that went on a two mile loop.  We didn't.  Nothing said anything but "trail", so after a mile and a half of walking straight back, we realized that we needed to turn around.

This is D's second pose option.

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  1. Gorgeous photos! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  2. I can't wait to see THAT christmas card lol

  3. Loved the photos!! What a terrific trip!

  4. looks like an awesome vacay! :)

  5. What a fun trip. You got some great pictures!

  6. what fun - glad you guys enjoyed it!! nice pics too :) and i noticed the same thing about all the servers, hosts, etc in vegas being SO NICE all the time lol

  7. Wow great photos! =) Glad you had a fun trip! nature + the excitement of Vegas

  8. what an awesome trip! Those dolphins are sooo cute but I can't help but feel so sad for them and the tigers!

  9. This looks like so much fun! I want to go there someday

