Old Man, Slow Man.

Oh, heeey, little blog.

I sort of forgot about you.

Um.  Sorry.

It'll never probably happen again.

I didn't have a lot of pony time last week.  Between traffic, dog obligations (I ran out of doggie toothpaste) (and decided that I wanted to supplement brushing with a prescription diet (t/d), so I needed to pick some of that up), and being a photographic friend, I didn't get out as much as normal.

We've still had some killer rides.

I've been pushing, pushing, pushing for more go.  Archie doesn't appreciate it, but the discussion about moving forward and getting off my inside leg has gone from the main speaking point to an introductory paragraph.  We address it and we move on.  Occasionally, we go to the big pasture and I ask him to find a little gas in the tank.

Jumping has been pretty great, too.  He's been a little sloppy, but I think that's mostly because of pilot errors.  We did have two moments of rider brilliance (a dull shimmer, at least!):  C had set up two barrels in the lane between the ring and pasture.  While pointing Archie to them, I felt him suck back.  I was able to immediately respond appropriately with leg pressure.  The second time was last night.  C had also set up a swedish oxer.  After making it tiny, I started to think about dismounting and making it tinier.  Because it was scary and neither of us has jumped a swedish.  Instead, I pointed him at it and he was brilliant.

Okay, looking at it in this photo, that wall on the right doesn't look bad.  In real life, I find it terrifying.

Swedish in the dark.

Oh, hey there, pinched knee.
And video, because the fence post is my friend.

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  1. ooh fun!!! for whatever reason round jumps (like barrels and rolltops) always make me scurred. but boxes and walls and whatnot - all good! love the swedish oxer too, well done!

  2. It's funny how we get so up in our heads about stuff like that. If you keep at it, you'll make it over the box in no time!

  3. I've never heard of a swedish oxer (noob alert)! Neat!

  4. Does this mean you & Archie are entering our upcoming CT?? :-)

