PSA: Road ID Sale

These are XC legal now, yeah?

The link.
Ps.  The actual bracelets are only 25% off.

Pps.  I love all of y'all and your interest in the Herbal Horse contest.  :)

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  1. Heck yeah they're legal. I've worn my RoadID Slim for every event this season. It's awesome to put your "armband" on before you leave for the show and just not think about it again the entire weekend.

    1. I'm planning on the minty slim. And I will probably just not take it off, because that's how I roll. (Lazy.)

  2. Wait. Can you wear one of these instead of an armband?? Because that would be amazing.

  3. I love my Slim. I've had it for almost 2 years, wear it 24/7, and it's ticking along just perfectly.

    1. So, I was reading the requirements for USEA. Do you do the online service with Road ID or do you just have your emergency contact?

    2. technically you're supposed to have the online/interactive services. I got mine for cycling, long before I gave a shit about USEA requirements, so I have all my info on the band (which I think makes a hell of a lot more sense anyway since at many event venues you cant get cell signal or internet). There's been a lot of talk on the interwebs about this and a lot of eventers say they just put whatever info is important on the band itself and have never had a problem. So I guess it depends on how much of a risk taker you feel like being. I figure I'll just use the one I have and keep a spare armband in my trunk if someone has a problem with it.

  4. I love my Road ID! Its been on my wrist for over a year straight, I subscribe. I saw it in action this year at the ER too as my other half is a cyclist and he crashed with lots of blood and stuff. I have some medical conditions so having this is great for me but really everyone should get one especially of you ride. No one is immune to a spill and having all this info ( including emergency contacts) right there on my body is a really important thing. I wear my on the same wrist with my Tiffany bracelet and i think it looks bad ass.

  5. AAHHH! So cool! Need on for hunter paces next year. <3

  6. I love my RoadID slim! It's great to have my emergency contacts and allergy information when out riding for 8 gazillion miles in the middle of nowhere. :)

  7. I've been wearing Road IDs for years … love them!!! I've blogged about them a few times myself because they are such an awesome addition to your riding gear. I have multiple versions for different parts of my life: riding, showing, running, traveling. The traveling ID has my passport number and lists that I am an organ donor. Thanks for sharing the sale. :0)


    But really, happy to catch the sale!! ( I realize this comment is late)

