
I've never hidden the fact that I love technology.  Some of y'all want bridles or something.  I want data.  ...And breeches.  ...And tattoos.  I lust after cutting-edge everything.  I might not buy it (immediately), because I'm also a junior-economist and understand the laws of supply and demand, but I want to understand what it does, how it works, what the reaches of the technology are, and how it's going to impact life.  To some degree, I thought everyone was pretty much on an even keel with technology (except kids.. kids are inherently better at technology.  fuckers).  I mean, shit, we customized our blogs.  Some of you wizards even play with Wordpress.

Somewhere along the way, maybe after my last job fired the marketing department and my autodidacticism shined as I learned Photoshop to fill the gaps, or maybe when I was asked to be team lead on a software development project, I realized that maybe not everyone was as adept with technology.  I'm not saying I'm special - I'm just saying I like it.

A couple of weeks ago, I interviewed for an entry-level technology job.

I start Monday.

So let's bring this back to ponies.

I use Cyclemeter to track my rides (and walks and cycles and dog hikes, etc.).  I've talked about this app a lot.  Even though it costs money, I prefer it over similar apps because I think the algorithms are spot-on (okay - occasionally, I am not doing 55 mph on the road next to the barn, I'll give you that), I like my Irish dude, I love the UX, it talks to MyFitnessPal and facebook, and it syncs to my calendar to update what I've done.

In my perpetual plight to step away from facebook, I didn't want to lose the accountability feature that posting to facebook from Cyclemeter offers.  For reals, my poor friends see every ride.  Maybe y'all just glance by it, but I think about that every time I ride.  PEOPLE MIGHT SEE THIS.  It's not a huge motivational factor, because I can't get beyond not giving shits, but it's there.  I like it.

So I decided to change the calendar function, sync to a different calendar, and slap that bitch on my side bar.  Data.  I loves it.

Yes, it does look weird and squishy.  I'm still debating the ideal placement.  Actually, to be honest, I'm trying to figure out how to make it exactly what I want.  :)

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  1. Congrats on the new job!!!! You will be fabulous :)

  2. Woohoo- congrats on the new job!! I hope it's awesome!

    I love technology, too. I mean...I don't know what I would do without Google constantly listening to me and predicting with scary accuracy what I'm going to search for.

  3. I too love breeches and tattoos. You can keep your technology. ;) Really though, it's pretty cool.

  4. Awesome news on the job...I cant see it on the sidebar - I see the title but not the calendar. Just an FYI

    1. BAHAHA. At least someone told me! Silly privacy settings.

  5. You and I can be nerdy together <3

  6. i LOVE this - esp love that it links to other sources. i've tried ride tracker apps before, and it eventually fizzles bc the only place that has the data is the app, and that's not very useful.

    also, congrats on the job!! super exciting!

  7. Congrats on the job! Was sending positive vibes!

  8. Congrats on the new job! Another tech nerd here :)

  9. Congrats on the job. I'm still getting into the whole personalizing blog thing and even tried to dabble with the Wordpress... Ultimate fail! I should really track my rides more.

  10. New job... Yay! I read your rides on Facebook, just so you know i always take note ;)

  11. You know how i feel about all this :)

  12. Congratulations! I'm in tech industry too and LOVE IT!

  13. Congrats on the job ☺☺☺☺

  14. Congrats on the job. That is a neat idea to keep you accountable!

