It Takes A Team.

On Monday of this week, Archie threw his right front shoe.  Less than a week after having just had the pastern injected.  Not only did he "throw" it, he embedded a nail.  When my Kid does something, he is a fucking overachiever.

In a group text between my barn manager (who pulled the offending shoe) and my vet, I realized, maybe not for the first time but certainly the strongest, how important it is to have a knowledgeable team surrounding us.  I hand-picked these people to help me care for my horse.  I'll go to bat for my vet any day of the week, because he's just astounded me with both his knowledge and his concern.  Like, whoopsie, he examined my horse by himself yesterday because I couldn't get there and thought someone else would be. #ownerfail

And after having just left a meeting with my new farrier, who started his day extra early so I could get to work, I sincerely and whole-heartedly appreciate the Bold Archer team.  (Imma make them shirts... and then make them wear them.)  It takes a damn village to keep the Kid going, these days.

He walked off much better once his shoe was reattached and the farrier and I had a short conversation about where we're headed with his feet.  He likes the way he wears his Triumphs, but may have found a bonded aluminum that might work better.  And, then, of course, the pour-ins (because he just doesn't think leather will work here).

I routinely get my BM a bottle of Captain Morgan, because she likes it, and my BO a bottle of wine at Christmas.  But I also want to get something for the vet and the farrier, since I'm so sincerely appreciative.  When I worked in vet med, people brought in baked goods.  There are some amazing bakeries here, but that feels so hit or miss.  I'd appreciate any thoughts or suggestions!

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  1. Somw ideas...I did wine one year (Hot to Trot brand) and made custom labels online with the picture of Pong. Last year I did cute custom acrylic monogram tags in each persons fave color (found on etsy). Or a cold weather kit with gloves, hand warmers & boozey hot chocolate ingredients. Or why not one of your hand stamped items??

  2. I love Nicku's cold weather kit idea!

  3. Wine is always a good go to. Also, you could do a small ($20 or so) gift card to a coffee shop or lunch place that the vet might frequent?

    1. What about a gas card? Is that tacky? Both the vet and farrier are hauling crap around all day.

    2. Gas card and booze? Or does that promote drunk driving?

  4. I love the idea of giving them something special - my vet is amazing, she went as far as to visit us a couple times, send cars and flowers, and call us a couple times a week for awhile after we put down our OTTB. She stayed there all day at the barn afterwards (in 20 degree weather with terrible wind) with us, cried with us. Vets deserve a lot of thanks!

  5. ugh poor Archie... it's always something! awesome that you have such a great team tho! back when i lived with my parents my step dad would always bake a couple extra loaves of awesome nut bread for me to dole out around the barn... but i've definitely slacked since then

    1. OOOH yeah my first victim/friend connived into clipping Murray really appreciated a loaf of cranberry-pecan-cheddar bread that I made her. I got the recipe from Joy the Baker and while it doesn't seem like it, it's amazingly delicious and easy to make. I love to make homemade gifts because a) cheap and b) EXTRA love goes in them.

  6. From a veterinary point of goods are da bomb. And also COFFEE. We LOVE our clients that deliver us coffee and bagels first thing in the morning on a workday! Last week we had an absolutely insane surgery day where no one had time for lunch breaks and what kept us going was the Starbucks coffee and homemade banana bread a grateful client had brought for us that morning. <3

    1. You know your team :D but I wanted to add for readers: I personally am reluctant to give alcohol as a gift to veterinary professionals/barn staff unless I know for sure the person can drink/enjoys it. I've met a surprising number of people out here that have been through AA or who have really bad associations with alcohol. The guys at our first MD barn were absolutely amazing and I had gotten ready to make them a big batch of coquito (basically Puerto Rican eggnog) but decided to check with BO first...yeah, neither one of the guys drink because their dad had been an alcoholic. I was so glad I had asked!

  7. I'm a practical person, so the gas card thing makes a lot of sense to me.

  8. I know my farrier is really proud of his very expensive hammer. Maybe you could get a handle and have it personalized? (like burn his name into the wood in a classy way?) They usually can replace handles; I think it's the heads that are so expensive. And your vet really enjoys playing bass guitar. My hubs always liked getting guitar strings & picks...might be nice to get Reece some really nice bass strings and some awesome picks.

  9. As a hoofcare person I know I personally always LOVE a good bottle of wine, but that is because I love wine. And I don't do reds, so if someone gives me red I won't drink it. I'm less partial to baked goods because I am super picky about food and likely as not I won't eat it. Gas cards are always good - or even just a big cash tip! A portable coffee mug or something of the like is always nice too - something your busy professional can take on the road easily.

  10. So many hugs for you - I'm so sorry I haven't been able to send sooner. Bad stories abound, and I'll just say it, fuck you, universe, you don't get to pick on Beka too! It sounds like you have the best support team and it does indeed make all the difference. Im afraid of answers too, as Solo tells me something is still NQR, but we will have to ask questions anyway once I get to be home for more than one day during the week. I will offer - DO THE POUR INS! You will not regret it. Encore wears EquiPak through fly season (has the copper sulfate already included!) ; I've used rubber on Solo (hated, nasty thrush) and several of us have tried leather, as it does breathe but doesn't hold up to our tough sand and rocks and gets soggy with junk inevitably worked under it.

    I'm truly sorry again, it really is a type.of mourning. Even though no one could have predicted the outcome, I will always hold myself responsible for Solo's injury. If I had had any idea, I would have withdrawn that day and I'd still be able to kneel. Who knows how long we could have kept flying, or he could have just as well.stepped in a random hole.a.week later, but after the past 3 yrs, stealing hopes, stealing futures has definitely topped my list of Cruelest Life Twists. Know you have all my hugs and you know find me if you need to unleash cursing rambles. <3

    1. PS whenever I can,.for holiday gifts, my wonder farrier gets gift cards to Southern States (he has 4 horses). Diesel gift cards are also loved!

  11. My farrier has been working lots of overtime for Miles and I ever since July. He's been getting a bi-monthly bonus for taking my calls on Sundays and coming out the next day. Thank goodness for good teams!!

