

I spent a lot of time on roads this weekend.

I rode Archie on Friday night and he was the same old champ.  Less springy to throw himself immediately into the canter, but no worries.  He held the trot nicely and did all the little things I asked.

On Saturday, the hubs made us protein pancakes (he's the better pancake maker) and then we headed out to the gym to both get in a quick upper body workout.  I absolutely love our gym time together and am glad we snuck that one session in before...

We went downtown to do our first 5k together.  We've been running together at nights for the past few weeks and he's been running on his own at the gym.  So, pretty ready.  What we weren't ready for was running in the mid-day heat.  We derped that one pretty badly.  I encouraged him to go at his own pace and he darted off while I struggled through the three miles.  I've been pretty proud of myself for not breaking during competitions (except to get water), but this was the exception.  I was barf-hot.  At least it was a gorgeous run!

So handsome.  So hard not to push over the random chick staring at him.  

After the run, we continued the festivities.  The primary reason that I was eager to involve D in this run was because it was the Craft Brew Run, so there was able sampling of amazing (and not-so-amazing) beers.  I found a few new favorites and we just had a great time.

Where have you been all my life?

After lunch and a nap, it was off to the barn to ride Archie and Big G.  Both boys were great.  I was super impressed with Archie because we came across a guy with his dog on the trail (his wife boards with us) and Archie just went into hyper-aware mode and not oh-shit mode.  Poor dog belly crawled by us.

Sunday, my sunburnt self drove up to Augusta.  My brother was on furlough from rehab (baby-steps for reintroduction to society?) and my mom asked me to drive him back, since it was kinda-sorta on the way.  Brother and I spent time with my mom and her husband, then had lunch with a few of his friends before swinging by to see my dad and heading back out of town.  We did stop to see my last project at the job I'd held in Augusta before moving to Savannah - the organization of the book store for our ginormous Goodwill campus.  Many books were bought.

Laughing because I asked him to lean forward so my head didn't look so big.
Loved this.
His girlfriend.
It was comforting to spend time with my brother, now, now that his brain is clearing.  I was lamenting the radio stations in Augusta and it went something like this:
Me:  There are like 47 Christian stations, 22 country stations..
Him:  You're exaggerating.
Me:  It's called hyperbole.
Him:  But your hyperbole makes Augusta sound like an actual city.
We could not have had that conversation a year ago.  It was also great to return him to his facility, to actually see it, because he took so much pride in it.  There was a group of young men sitting at a picnic table, smoking, and they all shouted his last name when he opened his car door and then embraced him.  Everyone was so happy to see him.  They helped him carry in his bags and asked about his weekend and then immediately went into rehab-mode, laying out the plan to check his bags and proctor his drug test, all while he was telling me good bye.

Part of the dirt road to his facility.
I spent the next two hours driving through the Georgia countryside, just happy.

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  1. Sounds like a really, really nice weekend for everyone!

  2. What a full weekend! I feel tired just looking at your running pics... I'm mostly glad you got to see your brother, and he's on the road back to himself. I'm sure that's so heart-warming to observe. Monday, now... Blah.

  3. This post makes me happy for a lot of reasons.

  4. That run sounds like a blast. And OMG the girl in that photo, too funny!

  5. What a great weekend!!

    Yay for a fun run too!!

  6. Sounds like a great time! I really dislike the hot though so I wouldn't have done at all well at the 5K

  7. What a fun weekend! Way to go with the run, I'm signed up for a 5K on the 26th that also involves alcohol...WINE. Woot!

  8. 5K's that include alcohol sound like the only type I'd attempt. :) Glad you had a great weekend!

  9. you've been busy!!! races and beer and brother-time, oh my! sounds like a lovely visit tho :D

