A Consignment Win

Before I even started taking dressage lessons, back when I knew that I wanted to switch to 3-day but still rode at a hunter/jumper barn, I bought a dressage saddle.

Yeah, I'm not sure why.

I saw the saddle at a local tack store on consignment, vacillated over the purchase, and finally took the less than $200 plunge.  It was old and used, but still in good condition with a nice little "equissuede" finish.  I've ridden in it a dozen times, which is fine.  It fits Archie well and as my dressage riding improves, I'll start incorporating it more into our rides.

My "new friend", who is leasing the big ol' TB at my barn, mentioned that she rode dressage, so I told her that she was welcome to use my saddle.  She fell in love with it.  I was always honest about the saddle - I thought it was Wintec, I bought it used, blah blah blah.

Here's where this story is going:  I decided to ride in the dressage saddle last night, for shits and giggles.  The chick was hanging around, talking, while I rode.  I happened to look at the maker's mark under the stirrup flap and discovered that it wasn't "just" a Wintec.  It was a Wintec Bates, made in Australia.  I'm not sure what this means for the value of my little consignment saddle, but the other girl was practically squeeing in glee and said that explained why she really loved the saddle.  Nicer than we both thought.

But after riding in my little saddle for a couple of weeks, she was inspired to buy her own.  I won't talk about  I've since learned about buying saddles for horses you don't own (don't), but instead I enthused with her about her new acquisition and promised to take photos of her guy all dressed up.

It got me thinking, though, about how little things have trickle effects.  If I hadn't sucked up and apologized to her for being a bitch of epic proportions, we wouldn't have gotten chatty.  I wouldn't have offered to let her use my saddle. She wouldn't have been inspired to get her own.  So... my lack of bitchiness improves the economy.  Dover, you're welcome.
Archie's 15th Birthday

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  1. Great post!

    And in response to your last bit on my blog, I don't think we're polar opposites. :P and I don't judge others unless they are being total beyotches and judging me :P.

    I'm just a bit neurotic is all..

    1. Oh, I totally don't think you judge people. You just seem more methodical and better thought out than me in about a hundred different ways. :)

      And I'm completely neurotic. We have that in common!

    2. I also am jealous of your cupcake-ness! :P

