Maybe More Than Enough.

I was pretty damn tired after work yesterday.  My instinct was to take a nap.  Our plan had been for the husband to get off work early and go get Savannah's new antibiotic, but he didn't get off until about the same time I did.  Even though it takes an easy thirty to forty-five minutes for me to get home, I volunteered to get her drugs so he could go straight home.  So, it was after six.  (I shouldn't complain - when I worked at the vet's office, every day was 7:15 to at least 6:15.)

After I got home, I still had to feed everyone.  I'd wanted to sit down for a minute, but I was starving.  Sooner I run, sooner we eat.

I ran just over five miles in an hour last night.  There was some tightness in my calves in the first mile.  After that, it was just the battle to keep going.  I'd thought before that I was above the mental game.  I'm not.  The brain tries to evade work.

Lake Mayer last night.

I went by the barn after the run to give Archie his stuff.  He always knows when I'm coming, but doesn't bother going to the gate.  He goes straight to his stall.  While he ate and after I put up his freshly cleaned tack, I assessed his body.  Checking for soreness, for cuts or swelling, for weight.  He's still got some inflammation from bug bites, but hopefully they'll all die off next week.  And his ribs show just a bit more than I like.  I checked his spine, too, for pain.  He was seriously ouchie.

When your barn doesn't have cleaning supplies, use dirt!
While I was riding last week, the Skinny Guy took it upon himself to upend my grooming tote.  Including spilling half a container of hoof conditioner.  I just threw it out because I'd already bought nicer stuff.  (I say I threw it out - BO probably kept it.)  Since then, though, I've been meaning to soak my recently cleaned brushes in dish soap to get the conditioner off of them.  It's been gross going the past few rides.

Today, I went to a thrift sale held by the Junior League.  I've never been to one before, but it was nearby and I was able to make it there and back on my lunch break (barely).  I snagged two ties for D, a book, an LP, a Nine West purse, a belt and a dog carrying bag for $9.50.  We'll probably go back tomorrow when everything is half off and his family is in town.  Keep them occupied.

Thrift shopping at the Civic Center!
OH!  I almost forgot this amazing article about round penning.  I don't have a round pen.  Never used a round pen.  Completely understand the concept.  Always longed for that "join-up" experience.  Alas, I also don't lunge the Kid (mostly because I've too little time).

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  1. That sunset photo is lovely.

    1. Thanks! I was mid-stride and quite pleased that it turned out so well. :)

