Clothes for the Kid.

First up, though:  the Eventer has a blog!  ..About eventing!  It's very informative about the things she's doing with her pony, Johnny, and has a shit-ton fewer swear words than you'll find here (okay, zero).  In addition to training talk, she also talks about the surgery that he had - evidently, there isn't much first-hand experience on the interwebs about laryngoplasty (tie-back surgery).  Go check it out!

My pack horse.
Secondly, the sheet I ordered for the Archer came in.  When I opened the package, I could hear my mother's voice saying, "You get what you pay for."  It was really, really cheap.  And cheaply made.

Opening the box.
$3.30 lead rope.
And an end (in addition to cheap metal) that you would expect on a $3.30 lead rope.
$9.95 halter.  I expected the "Horze" to be bigger.  Is that tacky of me?
Um.  I'm an artist.
I normally pick turquoise or teal for Archie, but I dig this color, too.
Deets on my $47 "waterproof sheet."
It says "navy", but I really think it's like a gunmetal blue.
Just like with cheap human clothes, you size up.
With both cheapies on!
Of course, immediately after I buy this, they get a whole slew of 600 and 1200 denier blankets for $2 cheaper.  This was much thinner than his Weatherbeeta and the fabric felt like... the cheap disposable blankets that they give runners prior to a race.  I don't expect it to last long, but hopefully I'll be a grown up some day and purchase blankets on sale off-season.  Maybe.

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  1. Definitely gun metal blue. Also is the leadrope cotton or plastic? If its plastic you can burn/melt the end. If its cotton.. well shit.

  2. Love the gun metal blue. I took some black duct tape and put it over the end of my lead rope that is just like that, and it lasted a lot longer. Still one year later and I definitely need to replace it.

  3. That's one shiny blanket. Tough-1 is weird about their colors....I ordered their blue 1200 denier midweight, and the blanket that I received was decidedly purple. The bag was labeled blue, but the blanket was purple...oh well. I love that Tough-1 though! It's a Snuggit, with an adjustable neck, and the cheapest 1200 denier midweight blanket out there at around $80. The construction on that one is similar to the Schneiders I've seen. This is her second winter in it, and it is still waterproof. Even after 72 hours straight of rain, she'll still be dry underneath it, and it doesn't give her blanket rubs. Secret: a lot of online tack stores have big blanket sales in September in an attempt to make room for the new winter inventory coming in from the manufacturers. And you can find some good deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday; it's when I've shopped for blankets in the past. :)

  4. Don't know if you're familiar with Tack of the Day... I got several great blankets / sheets there on super sale. You do have to research as there are no returns.

    There's a sheet on sale today!

  5. One of the girls at my barn has all Tough 1 blankets for her horses and she's had the same ones for the three winters I've been there. I've never seen a single one with a rip in it, and her mares go out with a group of total whores. It might last you!

  6. The tack of the day brand blankets are also supposed to be worth their weight in gold.

  7. I've bought my fair share of cheap blankets over the years--stay the heck away from Schneider's--total crap. The Saxon blankets that came with Johnny are actually pretty decent, but I'm not sure how much they were. Amigo stuff is pretty cheap, and so far, that sheet has held up for 3 years. Thanks for sharing my blog!

  8. Hey nothing wrong with cheap. Horses practically eat money

  9. I have a blanket shredding Houdini who has had a Tough 1 for two seasons now...and now that I posted that I will find it shredded in the pasture in the morning...

