Brain Suicide.

I used to get migraines.  As should be no surprise to anyone, occasionally my body rebels against itself and tries to hit the self-destruct button before then hitting the abort button.  You know, what with the anxiety attacks.  Poor brain.  Poor brain is confused.

I normally ride on Mondays, so my bags were all packed with horse crap and I was prepared.  Then at about noon, my brain poked me, saying, "This might be little.  Or this might be big."  Five hours later, I think I've finally reached the tail end of the brain cramps... until I walk two flights of stairs and end up behind a woman wearing cotton candy perfume.

So I went home.  Here's hoping to ride today.  Fortunately, Archie exercised himself yesterday.  Caught by the Eventer, who went to great lengths and personal sacrifice to get it.  Hotwires sting.  :)

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  1. Migraines suck -- I used to get them a lot when I was younger, but I've mostly grown out of them now (thank goodness!)

    Feel better soon!

  2. I get migraines too, they're awful. I feel for ya.

  3. How horrid, hope you feel better soon. Look after yourself *hugs*

  4. Those three look like they're having a blast :)

  5. I also suffer from migraines...hang in there

  6. Eeek feel better!

    He looks like he's taking care of his own work out haha!

  7. Glad you are feeling btter, migraines are the absolutely shitholiest worst.

  8. Another migraine sufferer here. They suck balls! The older i get though the less often i get them. So theres that...

  9. My favorite is his look at the camera, "Are you getting my good side?" He's such a ham. I'm sorry to hear you had a migraine--let me know the days you can't make it out. I can always bring Archie in and give him a good look over for injuries, etc.

  10. I have had a migraine for a week straight now, so I can sympathize!

