Annual Staycation, Part 1.

I left work early on Thursday to drive to Charleston to attend the closing sale one of the two tack stores.  Randomly, I ran into OR's bestie (hi, stalker!), who I was able to bounce ideas off of.  And steal breeches from.  It's an addiction.

In unexplainable bumper-to-bumper traffic, I made friends with some bikers.  The eldest said, "You heard that saying, 'You gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair?'"  Just a wee bit awkward (I was beside, not behind).
Marshland.  Not friendly for horses, but beautiful nonetheless.
One of the handful of things that I acquired at the tack store was a $7.50 leather halter.  I've never desired a leather halter, never thought too much about owning one (the ones padded with color are pretty hot), but.. I couldn't beat the price.  The nameplate said "Dolce", which was one of the names of the babies born at the barn in Augusta before I left.  I took that as a sign.

Part of this staycation involved some bonding time with Higher Standards Leather Care.
Cleanish leather on left, dirty on top.
Archie's dirty bit.

I tried something new:  citric acid, baking soda and corn starch.  Leftover from making M-Day bath bombs.
Ten minute soak resulted in some minimal scrubbing!  Woo!
(Sure.. ten minutes in warm water might have done the same thing..)
After buying things and cleaning things, I also took Friday off work.  Because I'm legit.

I had to take a potty break during my ride (is this my over-30 bladder?  fuck me.).
And then more time was spent bonding with Higher Standards.  I left Arch out to graze.  The only thing that could have made this any better would have been an ice-cold beer.  And non-country music.

..Which I got at lunch, anyways.  Don't tell the hubs.  :)

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