Annual Staycation, Part 2.

I feel like the theme for all my time off was weather and Archie.  With a sprinkling of gym time and bonding with the hubs.

I bought this saddle pad a really, really long time ago. 
So rather than go through the day-by-day, here are some highlights:
  • I asked my BM if she had any nippers and her immediate response was something like, "FOR ARCHIE?!" because I guess she got the memo that he'll be in shoes forever, too.  Actually, she used them to rip the "Dolce" off the leather halter.
  • D and I bumped into my Krav Maga instructor at the gym.  Slightly awkward, as I had just been teased by D for doing assisted sit-up punches with my feet nestled under this guy's thighs.  Yes, it was just as freaking uncomfortable as it sounds.  It's at about 1:15 on the below video, except you punch once you get to the top.

  • I can't believe I forgot to mention this when I started Krav Maga:
    • First day, I parked behind a SCAD student with equestrian stickers all over her SUV.  There aren't a lot of us, so she's freaking lucky that I didn't start knocking on random doors to make friends.
    • My KM trainer actually owns 300 acres in Utah, where he keeps horses.  He said that his son has taken over and runs the property.  He said he personally owns a Paso Fino and a QH, but appreciates the QH more for the speed.  
    • He wants to come out and photograph Archie.  I've got no issues with anyone photographing the Kid, so long as they share their work.  
  • I got a shit ton of books in the mail, the first of which I've started.  There will probably be a separate post just about these books.  
  • I love it so much already.
  • I photographed at the HS twice.  I got some really, really nice photos.  (And some not-so-nice.)
Bee was actually rescued from a dog fighting ring and came in with her sister, Rabbit.  She's the charmer.
I love cats that stand.
Can I admit that I'm lazy and didn't want to bother editing out a leash on a dog that had already been adopted?

Love her smile!
  • Very little time was spent sitting in restaurants, but a lot of time was spent slicing vegetables and grilling out.
And being goofy.
  • I had a lot of plans for yesterday's ride, but the weather turned pretty nasty.  So we spent some time working in hand.

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  1. Dat cat thinks its people and I like that saddle pad!

  2. I love that brindle's smile, too. Can't wait for book post!

  3. I love cats (that stand) but Bee is super cute!

