Tattoo (not) Tuesday

Written to the sound of Irish folk music and the cheers and jeers of the parade-watchers. 

Five or six or seven years ago, I fell off Archie.

(Facebook just told me it was six.)

I broke my butt in two places.  While I consider the time I fell off the (actual) pony to be a much worse injury, the double coccyx fracture was no joke. 

So I immortalized the occasion by getting a tattoo. I might be the world's smallest fence jumper, but I am still a jumper. 

And the result (after six years):

When all of this shit with Archie's leg turned out to be months longer and days harder than I anticipated, I decided to get another tattoo.  For the non-inked, this decision was like... going on an angsty Target shopping spree.

(I have a lot of tattoos*.)

Fresh ink!

Almost two weeks, lines clearing up.
*..I could probably do a tattoo Tuesday every week and have enough fodder for months.

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  1. Love the jumping horse! The little horse shoe is cute too! I really need to get another tattoo and get my current one touched up. I am high on ideas for a second tattoo but low on commitment to one idea! Please tell me how bad a foot tattoo is vs say one in the hip area? I've also considered putting one on my scar from the Stampede sink hole experience, but afraid tattooing on a scar would hurt more or turn out strange looking because of it.

    1. Soooo. Depending on the depth of the scar and the skill of your artist, they should actually be able to do something with it! Normally desire that you wait a couple years after a scar before inking over it. Can't speak to the pain on that, though.

      So, the ankle has less fleshy than the hip. I would say that it hurts more. I have one on the top of my foot and I didn't even feel it. Where the spider is on my left foot? Never again on my fucking life.

      I have a high pain tolerance, though. Ribs and elbow were the worst.

    2. I think I have a pretty decent pain tolerance. When I get hurt I usually cry because I'm pissed before I cry because of pain, lol. The hip was totally managable.
      The scar is nearing 8 years old, definitely took a long time to stop being more painful than regular skin. Probably because it was opened up twice. It's kind of an odd spot though, on the top of my shoulder. Thought about putting a set of hoof prints there though. So many options!

  2. Is that an Archie silhouette? I have one tattoo and want another, but I LOVE feet tattoos and feel like I should get a tattoo somewhere else other than my foot/ankle.

    1. It is! I'll share the process eventually, but I just found a photo I liked and made it a silhouettes. It's from my birthday dressage clinic. :)

  3. LOVE them all! I need some pony-themed ink for my second tattoo, methinks.

    1. And the third and the fourth and the fifth and the sixth.

  4. Such a cool post! I love hearing/reading the stories behind people's tattoos :)
    Maybe you should add this to your list of blog hops? I'm sure there are other horsey tattoos out there in blogland!

  5. I love it!!! I'm hopefully getting an Apollo-inspired tattoo sometime in April :)

  6. SHARE them all! I love seeing eq ink!!

    1. I'll have to.. At one point, I did have photos up somewhere around here.

  7. I would LOVE to be a part of Tattoo Tuesday group! Love my tats and hope to get more over the years. Love the memories and glad your butt has healed since and so has Archie and also happy for improved jumping skills ^.^

  8. I have 5 tats and 3/5 are horse related hahah!

    I cant wait to get more. This post inspired me for some ideaS!

  9. I don't have any ink (unless freckles count;) but if I were to get some, you are inspiration. Love them!

  10. I love your tattoos! I don't have a horsey one yet, but the itch is returning and I think its time....

  11. I have one tattoo and keep meaning to get another horse inspired one! We shall see! I love your Archie ones!

  12. Love the Archie silhouette ♡
    I too have one tattoo which I got on a whim at 19 and now regret the little thought I put into it. For years i have wanted to get a horse themed one but haven't yet settled on what i want or where!
    An EQ tattoo blog hop would be awesome for inspiration & ideas ☺

