I knew that this would happen eventually. I missed a Saturday posting. In my defense, I thought yesterday was Sunday because we crammed all the Sunday in it, so we could go out of town today.  I only just remembered.  :(

We know what makes Thunderhooves happy, but what does he hate to do?  Let's not ignore those times that you have whip out all the tricks or pharmaceuticals for grooming.

I've been very lucky that Archie has tolerated most of my grooming shenanigans without more fanfare than a prancing or wandering down the aisle.  But here's what I think my little Jerkface hates:



And intentional transitions.

Here's my monster telling Koby Robson what he thinks. 

If I let him march around on a loose rein and stumble between the gaits, he would be a happy pony.  But he's most likely to tell me to fuck myself during an upward transition or the collected trot (do people still practice the collected sitting trot?).  Lazy pony is lazy. 

get the InLinkz code

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  1. lol i guess if you were going to miss the submission day for any post, this one is the most aptly titled?? love that pic too btw - he's certainly expressive!

  2. I agree with Emma this was an intentional forgetting even if it was subconcious - makes the posting more appropriate ☺

  3. Here is my post for this one. I had combined it with the other because I missed the link up. :)

