DIY: Fun Breeches

As I've gotten older, I've grown an appreciation for more color in my wardrobe.  Don't get me wrong, though:  I love black.  Anyways, I've been coveting those damn pretty breeches that everyone has.  I've haggled with some people on eBay, but haven't been able to find some for the price I liked.  The hubs and I are planning a huge trip this fall, so I'm trying to be a grown up about monies.

And I have about forty-bajillion pairs of cheap breeches, so I figured: fuck it.

Here's your express warning:  this worked really, really well for me.  It might not work so well for you.  I followed the instructions like a fiend.  Follow the packaged instructions, if you decide to do this.  Also, check the label on your breeches.  Mine were all cotton and elastic, so I felt okay about this.

Okay, so first, some "color remover" and three pairs of khaki breeches (Tuffrider, Flex Rider {?}, and On Course):

You just toss that in the water and then add the breeches.  It said to go as hot as possible, but I was afraid.  So I went warm/warm.  Hot would have probably had better results.

Mid-way through the thirty minutes, the Flex Riders turned this amazing mustard yellow color.  I was very, very tempted to stop there.  

Post-de-coloring.  Not a huge difference.

Then I filled this six-gallon bucket half-way with hot, hot water and toted it outside,  Four times.

Ripping your nail off when the handle breaks is optional.

I used the yellow below, a purple and aquamarine.

The purple was the ultimate winner.  Super quick color change, but it was also the darkest, which probably has a lot to do with it.

A previously unmentioned pair of ancient white Devon Aires went into the yellow bucket.

So I have aquamarine in the red bucket, purple in the purple bucket, yellow in the white bucket, and I tried to make teal but between the mustard color of the breeches and my over-application of yellow dye, I made bright green.  

And the finished product, post washing!

Yellow Devon Aires.  Green Flex Riders.  Tuffriders trying very hard to be in the blue family, and the amazing purple On Course.

I think this is the result of poor mixing.  Or something.  No idea, but it should be hidden by boots.

Not a perfect dye job.  Don't care.

And I love that the "leather"? took the color better than the cotton.

Poor TuffRiders.  Only fabric tag succeeded in turning blue.

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  1. This is outstanding! I love it.

    Now...if only I had breeches to actually dye haha. I've got slim pickins that I wear all the time and no duplicates to play with.

    1. Consignment shops! That's where I buy the majority of mine.

  2. That is awesome! I'm not wild enough and pretty much wear tan, brown, grey and different variations of darker or grey blues but I think you're so handy and am impressed by the purple!

  3. SUCH a good idea! Love the purple and the yellow :)

  4. That is AWESOME!! I am TOTALLY trying this on an old pair of tan breeches!

  5. This is awesome. If only I had plain breeches to try this on. Maybe I'll buy some just to do this.

  6. This is SUCH a cool idea! Although, I think I'd be too scared to try it!

  7. omg i LOVE these!!!! I might have to take an older pair of mine and make them purple or blue!

  8. I used to dye those cotton TS schoolers all the time. Burgundy turns out amazing.

  9. oooooooooh


    this might need to happen

  10. oh lordy....I love the purple. I might need to try this!

  11. What a neat idea for older breeches! I'd never thought of this before.

  12. I was trying so hard to figure out what was going on in the IG bucket picture! This is everything I could have hoped for and more. Where do you get the dye? Because I have an old pair of breeches just screaming to be purple.

    1. Cat taming in cat poop buckets.

      Wal-Mart! I'm gonna check out some other stores to see if I can find a better variety. I need more blue!

  13. I thought about doing this but you, you actually did it!!!!! I'm inspired!

  14. These are amazing!!!!!! I wish I had more spare breeches so I could do a pair!

  15. What a fabulous idea! I have a pair of white Ariats that are stained (side note: don't forget about the M&M's in your coat pocket in the pouring rain). I think they may have to join in on the fun!

  16. WHAT! That is totally, insanely cool! Very jealous right now. I see a tie-dye pair of breeches in my future, can we say hell yes!

  17. um this is awesome!! and rit dye is pretty good stuff, right? so it shouldn't bleed? i actually may need to try this haha...

    1. No freaking idea! I wore the light green yesterday and had no problems. Going to try wearing the purple while sitting on a white towel to see if it does bleed. I think a few rinse cycles should work.

  18. So cool!! I really like how they turned out. I was I was better at DIY stuff sometimes...

  19. I've already told you how awesome i think these are but I had to comment to tel you again that they came out effing fantastic looking!!!

