
I don't know about other places (except Augusta, and Augusta was not like this), but come summer, we get summer showers.  Like every day.  Like an angry thunderstorm that suddenly appears about the time that you want to go home from work and then drenches you.  Angrily.  And once you decide that you can't ride, it magically clears.  Like the weather man is bipolar.  And angry.

Anyways, I've been able to ride the quantity of times that I wanted, but the quality of the rides was meh.  I'm not going to say that it wasn't worth it, because every step forward is a step closer to a better conditioned horse.  But damn.  Unbalanced old man cannot canter on wet grass.

Making him trot through the wet half of the ring.
So... that's about it.  It's hot.  And if it's not just hot, it's humid.  And if it isn't just hot and humid, it's just rained and the wet air is compounding the heat and adding to the humidity and the only choice is to take things easy.  We have been able to continue our trot sets, albeit shorter trot sets but for the ultimate same duration.  And cantering for almost full duration, but I'll be honest:  if he picks up a good canter with little sass and carries himself through the turns, I'll cut it short and praise him.  I've also made sure to take him over trot poles.  We did flat poles for a while, then did a medium caveletti with a pole on either side and recently took it to two poles on either side.  I'd like to add canter poles at some point next week.

Gratuitous photo of local wildlife. 

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  1. Looks a bit apocalyptic out there...

  2. Do you live in the south? I can't even deal with CA heat, I could not live in the south. Is that a crab?

  3. OMG you guys have crabs as wildlife? WAY cooler than our "local" squirrels.

  4. i hate this time of year when i always think 'ooh a nice rain storm will cool everything down.' haha NOPE. the humidity is here to stay :(

  5. Oh wow, I would die there. Humidity drains all my energy (and makes my hair a giant froofball).

  6. Oh God yes. It was the same story in FL. Except the freaking storm would last into the night and the next day it would be even more humid! Here in MD it's been like it is for you right now in Savannah all this week: hot day, thuderstorm from 4-6 pm, then clear.

  7. Ay yi yi. Rain the summer and the humidity is just the worst. Sounds like you are making due and that he's coming along nicely even with crazy mother nature.

  8. Holy crap. My Canadian self would die down there. Good for you for getting out and riding.

