
My plans for Friday included a haircut and going to Charleston to peruse the consignment rack at the tack store to find more cheap breeches to feed the dying habit.

What actually happened was a quick trip to the barn, a hustle across town for my haircut and another hustle back to the barn to meet the vet.  My little wonder pony had embedded a clip to the point of drawing blood.  Fortunately, his timing was fucking impeccable as they dragged his lame self from the pasture into the metal-snipped hands of the farrier.  The farrier was able to pull the shoe and actually replace both of the fronts.

When I got out there to see the Kid, he made me reminiscent of my only major brush with laminitis:  an ancient Cushings POA.  That whole rocking-back-on-hind-end-lurching-forward-with-tight-abdomen-while-ripping-out-my-heart thing.  So, yeah, the Kid was in a lot of pain.  

It's that itty-bitty line next to the bottom two nails.  This is after scrubbing with betadine, rinsing and drying.  I used some wonderdust the first night, because my first instinct was to dry it out.  My farrier's first instinct was to tell me to soak it, but I declined since his feet are so soft right now anyways.

His first boot:  blue and purple cheetah. 

Just a random photo of my old man.

The second day, I just did a chlorhexadine spray.  And a yellow/cheetah wrap.  Because why the fuck not.

And then we met with the vet.  Archie was injured Thursday morning, saw the vet Friday morning.  Between that time, he went from incredibly sore to just a wee bit gimpy.  The vet actually said that he was more responsive on his heel than his stab wound, but god only knows what happened when he twisted the shoe.

Two other horses were being seen, a new gelding for a coggins and boosters and a mare with a fungus from hell.  So when I went to pay, my bill was a whopping $22.50.  And then he tossed me a handful of bute tabs, gratis.

I love my vet.

Since the visit, I was advised to continue wrapping his hoof with icthammol, but he agreed with my assessment of the softness of Archie's hooves and said I didn't need to soak.  I've take this opportunity to practice my design skills.

And take obnoxious selfies.

Fortunately, as of Saturday, Archie was pretty much sound.  I stopped booting and buting this morning.  I'll check him tonight and give him tomorrow off, then maybe consider riding on Wednesday.  

A video posted by bekaburke (@bekaburke) on
All superstitions have increased tenfold.  Because I jinxed myself.

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  1. Your vet is the best, and I'm pretty sure you should offer the creation of custom-colored duct tape booties on your etsy store.

    1. "Not guaranteed to stay on, because my beta tester can only keep the goddamn things on in this humidity/rain one night out of three."

  2. That is a badass duct tape bootie.

    1. For real. Those booties are things of wonder.

  3. I don't have much to say besides your wrap jobs are a thing of creative beauty.

  4. you win at hoof wraps!! and at having the best vet!! glad Archie's feeling better, the poor guy just can't catch a break!

  5. I'm requesting a 'how to' on your super pretty wrap jobs. Also, icthammol is awesome, love that stuff.

    1. I'm sure it won't be long before the Kid gets another abscess. I'll post a how-to then. :)

  6. I'm headed to Charleston next weekend - which consignment store do you recommend?

    1. There's only one tack store left - the Island Tack Shack. It's tiny. There was Tack-n-Tow, but they closed down. It was like a warehouse of magical horse goodies. But we're going Saturday, so don't buy all the good stuff before I get there!

  7. You do have truly epic foot-wrapping skills.

  8. fun colored duct-tape makes everything better! glad he is doing better!

  9. That's got to be the most affordable vet visit he's had as of late.

  10. What a dream of a vet bill, Nancy's will be anything but when I get that next week *shudder*
    Loving the arty-farty wrapping designs, you're so talented lady! Please teach me your ways!!!
    Hope Archie continues to make improvements & stops trying to keep your vet in business

    1. Wait that last bit came out wrong *gulp*
      I don't mean for your vet to go out of business, I just hope that the Kid can remember how to share him with others and stop hurting himself!

  11. Jeez, Archie give your Mom a break! Love the wrapping job.

  12. After having just spent the last 2 months reading your blog from the beginning, I would love to "follow" it, but for the love of all that is holy, I cannot figure out how. I kind of feel like we are kindred spirits and, for the first time ever, would like to interact with a blogger, rather than just lurk in the shadows like some creeper. Would have sent this to you privately, but cant figure out how the hell to do that, either.
    Your Archie is, like so many others, quite the beautiful disaster. And oh so lucky to have a mom like you.


      So, there is a "follow" button. But it doesn't do much other than inflate my ego with virtual pats on the back. Lots of people use feedly or bloglovin. And facebook. I'm facebook friends with many of these other equestrians. /rebekah.coleman. Instagram: bekaburke. Email: rccoleman10@gmail.com.

      Also, yes. A beautiful fucking disaster. I love my little monster.

  13. Love the Chevron duct tape bootie!!

