InLinkz How To

After you've written your post and published it, click this link on the bottom of my bloghop post.

Go back to the post you wrote, and get the URL for that specific post.

Put your info in and click "submit link."

Skip that.

Go back to my post and select "get the inLinkz code."

This routes you back to the InLinkz page.  I'm sorry.  This is sort of a pain in the ass.
Select the type blog and it'll put some code in that little box. Copy that.

Go back to your post and select it.

Go to "html" (in blogger) and paste the code at the very, very bottom.

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  1. This is awesome! I've been meaning to do a post like this, but never did. Do you mind if I share a link to this post on my blog hop?

