TOABH: 18 before the 18th.

It's my turn!

In exactly eighteen weeks from today, the bestest Ponykins ever will turn eighteen.  It's a special birthday because it marks a decade that we've been working together.  His 19th birthday is gonna be special, too, because I'll have owned him for a decade.  And then the 20th will be special, because, damn.  20.

Anyways, in honor of Archie's 18th birthday and with the assistance of L and Hillary, I will be doing a weekly blog hop.

Here's what's different about mine:  it's just going to be about the horse.  At the end of the day, despite all of our various difference, we're united because one day we fell in love with a horse.  It all goes back to them.

If you don't have one, write about a lesson pony.  A magical steed.  Fictional horses.  Famous horses. Just keep it (mostly) about the horse.

Compliments of L.  

History of the Horse
Before you met, where was your horse?  Who bred him/her?  What do you know about his sire and his dam?  What do you know where he came from?  Tell me about the time before he had a trainer.

Archie was bred by Dr. Dede McGehee in Louisville, Kentucky.  In my stalking of this lady, I've found that she's a veterinarian who breeds racehorses.  I also found out that she purchased Heavens Tree Farm two years before he was born.  

Thanks to Google Maps, here's an aerial view of the facility.
And a close up.
And what's special about this farm?

Rachel Alexandra's full sister was born there, Samantha Nicole.  You know, a long, long time after my guy's hooves left the property.  

I've never reached out to Dr. McGehee, but Martha Stewart has.

Archie's sire is Ocean Crest.  Ocean Crest had ten starts and won over $270k.  He was born in 1991, entered into stud in 1996, and shipped off to Turkey in 1999.  This means that Archie was one of the first string of progeny from this guy.  Thankfully, his racehorse kids improved over time and he received the honor of "sire of highest earning offspring at Turkey as 2009-2010."

And his dam is Tell It Over.  There isn't as much information about her, but she still performed better as a racehorse than her son.  She ran thirty-two times and made nearly $18k.

To join the blog hop, use the InLinkz widget below.  Holler if you need help, because this shit's my job now.  :)

get the InLinkz code

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  1. I LOVE this blog hop! Happy early birthday Archie!! I'll join the blog hop as soon as I can, but right now I have to go ride because it's a gorgeous day outside! :D

    1. Would it be possible to add the code so we can put it in our posts too? I completely forgot that part too when I did my first blog hop a few days ago. I think it said something about sharing the code or something like that. Thanks!

    2. Hah! L had to hold my hand in this because I've been gone all day. But it's there!

    3. I got it! Thanks! It's good that you have L to help you out. It took me forever to figure it out hehe. I never expected it to be so complicated. Now that we have it figured out it shouldn't be any big deal next time though. Thanks for hosting this blog hop. I'm really excited about it. :D

  2. I love this too! And the blog hop art is brilliant, go L.

  3. Love the art & blog hop idea ♡♡♡
    I'm always up for learning more about ponios ☺

  4. I need to clean that picture up a bit more for you :)

  5. Great idea for a blog hop! I will have to chase down Henry's sire and dam's photos.

  6. Happy Burfday Archie! Definitely a great blog hop!

  7. happy bday Archie! great hop - and he certainly has quite the family!

  8. I wrote one, and entered it, but I can't seem to get the InLinkz code to make me a list of cute icons like you have -- is it a wordpress thing? I curse you if so, WP.

  9. Love this! Happy early birthday Archie! :D

  10. Thank you for the hop! And happy early birthdat to Archie!!

  11. Uh oh! I added my blog twice..the first one was all wonky, so I added it again and don't know how to delete!! So ignore the first "A Mare Called Lily"...whoops!

    1. I messed mine up too lol, and can't figure out the whole adding the code part now...oops. guess I have more chances to do it right.

  12. Have to say this link thing for your hop, rocks!

