Crappity Crap Crap.

So far, my day?  Craptastic.  Fortunately, I haven't stepped in any shit, but I feel like I have karmically or something.  1) I gave specific instructions to SmartPak a million years ago that they could only withdraw funds every other paycheck Friday.  If they run on a 28-day cycle, staying on this goddamn plan shouldn't be a problem.  So, financial woes.  I would have been perfectly fine if they hadn't pulled four days early.  2) I dropped something metal on the top of my foot and now it's all swollen and gross looking.  And I have to do an injury report.  3)  More financial woes.  After finding out that the house we stupidly fell in love with is going to be light years out of our budget, we're still walking a tightrope in preparation for the (third) house we've fallen for... granted, it's half as many rooms, bathrooms, and square footage as the last house.  This means no fancy Valentine's day dinner.  4) My Subie doesn't have heat and I wore a skirt this morning.  I'm still cold.

Finally, I leave you with this.  Because I'm in a shit mood.  Roar.

Ps.  Yes, I stayed on.  Sorry quality is crap.  I took screen shots from a video taken in 2008 on my 7 megapixel Polaroid.

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  1. That does sound kinda crappy. I'm sorry :(

  2. I always postpone my SmartPaks online by a week or two when they send the email that it's the last chance to change them or whatever. Then I go back and schedule them to ship on payday and they ship that day. I got caught out on their supposed 28 days things a time too many.

    1. Genius! They were really good about it for a few months and then things went to shit. I'm going to try your plan next month because I got screwed this month and last month.

  3. I feel ya. This year hasn't been great so far, hence the scant posting on my own blog. Hope things look up for us both. I love your redesign!

    1. Thanks! I'm inspired by pretty blogs, like yours. :) Yeah, this year really needs to start changing. Less bucking ponies, more money, more awesome happenings. My mom would tell us to burn a white candle and maybe a smudge stick in the house.

  4. Girl whom ever said that buying a house was fun/a great experience lies! We lost close to 20 houses because people with cash beat us. Keep your head up a good one that is perfect for you guys will come along :)

    I LOVE the new layout/design!

    1. Thanks! I needed a change. I also need to work on my web design (and design in general) skills. Pretty things make me happy.

      And, yeah, this house buying crap blows. I *loved* that last house. And I loved the one with five acres before it. I'm trying not to love this new, itty bitty one, but I might. Okay, I do.

  5. Sorry that your day was less than stellar. Carly's plan seems like a good one in terms of Smartpak. Hope the house works out :)

