Birthday Weekend, Day One

I left work early on Wednesday and crossed the street from my office to go to one of my favorite breweries. 
I had one too many sweet potato beers, but no complaints here. 
Then it was off to buy candy for our trip (which D later said I couldn't take on the plane and then, once we got here, retracted that statement and asked where the candy was) and renewed my car tag.  After all that excitement, I went home to charge my battery and watch an episode of Bones. Birthday weekend, y'all. 

All charged up, I headed to the barn to ride. I set up a diagonal line of cavalettis, a single rail and a line of cross rails. The Kid warmed up super nice and seemed to pull me to the first real fence. I made a little trotting course, going over everything a few times. I think, since I won't be showing next weekend, I'm going to work hard on cantering some baby fences and see about moving up classes. W/T/C Crossrail, ftw. 

I took some video, but can't embed from my iPhone. Also, the camera didn't orientate, and it's sideways. Just tilt your head. :)

And, finally, I did more two-point during the cool-down walk through the woods. 

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