Birthday Weekend, Day Four

Or, my actual birthday.

Or, the day that Saiph unknowingly planned.

While D got up and got ready, I checked my emails.  This is Saturday morning - the day I turn 30.  I saw that Saiph, who I knew was local but for whatever reason didn't consult with prior to the trip, had left a couple messages about places we should try.  I trust people over Yelp, which is how we heard about every other place we'd been to.

She recommended a place called Founding Farmers, so we headed there.  Another wet day.  I had phenomenal stuffed banana fosters French toast.  And a mimosa.  And I ate everything.


Saiph also mentioned cupcakes in Georgetown.  I'm a fiend.  I wanted to do some thrift shopping, but the store wasn't open yet, so we said fuck it and started walking to Georgetown.  It was about a fifteen minute walk and well worth it.

We stopped in a few shops and I kept pointing things out and saying, "It's my birthday."  I love this guy.  I got a few glasses at Anthropologie, some make up at Lush, the legendary cupcakes, some Godiva chocolate, and a case for my new iPod nano.

I picked a burger joint at random because it had a salad.  It also had Blue Moon.  I don't know what was up with all the places we went to, but I couldn't find a decent beer anywhere.  We ended up sitting upstairs at the Good Stuff Eatery, watching the Georgia game and drinking beer.
We took a shuttle back to the hotel.  Afternoon naps and finally eating the cupcakes (so worth the line!) and some chocolate covered strawberries.

We stopped by a little thrift store and bought a few pretty things.  Dropped them off at the hotel and changed for dinner.

Dinner was fancy Mexican with drinks.  Followed by a walk to U street and more drinks.  We were both pretty exhausted after all this and took the Metro back to the apartment.  I had calls from my parents and texts from family.  It was an awesome day.

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  1. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful trip. I'll save these posts so Todd can reference them for my 30th.

    (I just had a mild panic attack. No offense. Hahaha.)

    1. :)

      I think the approach sort of settles a dull resolve. I welcome 30. The 20s were rough. Everything that sucked about that decade is gone and I'm in a fucking awesome place.

  2. Oh I'm SO happy that you enjoyed Founding Farmers and the cupcakes!! Isn't the stuffed French toast amazing? It's my favorite breakfast from FF. :D And so glad that you had an awesome birthday in this area. :) What a bummer about the stupid weather; it had been so beautiful up until this week! It's unusual for it to rain for so many days in a row.
    I'm glad you had fun in DC and got to enjoy the sights in Georgetown!

  3. Bananas foster! Favorite!!! :) happy birthday lady!

  4. Totally awesome and yay for Saiph!

    When are you all coming to california :P

    1. Be sure to let me know if you're coming near my neck of the could meet the girls ;-)

