Birthday Weekend, Day Two

D and I got up at the butt crack of dawn on Thursday. Time was spent finishing stuff and getting everything ready. Oh, yeah, and picking up dog shit outside in the dark. A friend is feeding the meowsers for us in exchange for letting her dog burn off some energy in our back yard. Fair trade!

We left the house at about 7 and got to the kennel a few minutes before it opened. Then it was a mad dash to the airport. 

Another dash in ATL and we were on our way to DC. I slept. 😴

I also just learned that my phone does emojis. 

We landed in DC and headed straight to the Metro. D had looked everything up and had everything planned. We stopped at some very authentic Perruvian restaurant and ate way too much. It was the sort of place where we were the minority and English was only brokenly spoken. I loved it. 

We checked in after lunch and spent a little time napping. And then we had to go buy rain jackets because we're derps. It's been cold and rainy since we got here. 

Our hotel is tiny and adorable and we have a corner room. 

We went out and were tourists. Dinner, with NO photos!, was at a place called Thai Tanic. I picked it randomly and it was awesome. That was followed by drinks at Churchkey. 

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  1. The weather is going to suck all weekend because of this dumb nor' easter. It had been gorgeous up until Wednesday.

    You MUST go to Georgetown Cupcakes!! They are THE BEST in this whole area. It is worth waiting in the long line. Plus Georgetown is a ton of fun to go window shopping, and they have a lot of little mom n pop restaurants and bars. The food is amazing at all of them, but if you have any questions, check on Yelp. There is no metro station in Georgetown but there are shuttles from the stations that will take you there. It's like 10 minutes from downtown DC.

    Old Town Alexandria is 15 min from DC and is also a lovely town to just hang out.

    Have fun!!!

    1. Oh oh oh! And you should TOTALLY try out the Founding Farmers breakfast. It is AH-MAZING!! Check them out: Prices are low moderate for this area. The original one is in DC and they have a second one up our way in Potomac, MD. Their menu is always changing because they get only locally grown food grown from local farmers. They brew their own beer and make their own soda. EVERYTHING is made in house. Even the orange juice is fresh squeezed!

  2. Love that your hubby had it all planned out!!

  3. Glad you guys were able to do stuff even with the government being closed

