Wants For the Archer.

I just got back from a big trip and bought myself something expensive immediately afterwards.  So I'm trying to sit on my funds.  Because I'm officially a grown up, right?  So what better way to celebrate that than to list a bunch of shit I want.  Yay, commercialism and consumerism!  (Also, I haven't ridden since Monday because ouch, so I have no fodder.)

Dude needs a new halter, pronto.  These Georgia summers on the marsh have bleached the snot out of his current one and caused rust.  Sexy.  And, oh yeah, I want three.
  1. For the pasture to and fro:
    Until Saiph starts selling hers!
  2. For grooming and photos and just in general.
    Weaver Elite Adjustable, because I like the brushed nickel better than brass.
  3. For shows.  Because... one day?
    Collegiate Deluxe Padded Breakaway Halter - to match our saddle!
Archie also needs new boots.  The fleece ones that he's currently rocking are just a tad small.  And the fleece is worn in some places.  I'm okay with both those things for the time being and for schooling, because neither are to the point of inflicting any damage.  And I only spent $10 on the damn things and feel that I have gotten more than my money's worth.  But, ideally?  Something beautiful.

For schooling, I think I'd like these:
Thinline Schooling Boots.
I don't like boots with neoprene because I like things that breathe, but these aren't neoprene.  They're the same stuff as in my Contender II.  And for shows and showing off:
I like the look of black on my bay, but I think some saddle-matched leather would be nice with some poppy white fleece.  These are the Pessoa's, but I'm not brand particular.

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  1. I want all the things. You're preaching to the choir.

  2. Seriously, I'd like to have all the things as well. I LOVE brown on a Bay-coming from a girl with all brown tack, lol-and I love those boots. I think they'd look really nice with the same colored saddle.
    (Also, I'm the only one in my horse-filled-family who likes rope halters, and now I want a new one!)

  3. I'm so glad you shared the rope halter how-to. I've been trying to figure it out... with zero luck.

    1. That fiador knot is truly a bitch. The best way to learn it is with someone showing you with the required acrobatics. Seriously. The rest of the halter is piece of cake by comparison! And yes Beka, I should start making them to sell. :D It's also an idea for a blog giveaway...hmmmm...

  4. I have always wanted to make my own rope halter. Everyone at the barn has one (which they cheated and bought), but they all swear by them

  5. For rope halters, Pat (aka the Halter Lady) is your gal. Her prices are unbeatable and her quality is the highest. Call her or email her and she'll custom make your halter for you out of any color you can think of. She can also add rings for reins or cross tying. I have a number of her halters; the only reason I have more than one is that they never wear out and I occasionally want a new color! http://www.halterlady.com

