Burying Pennies.

We have our next recheck on Monday.  To say that I am excited is an understatement.  I'm tired of waiting - at this point, I borderline don't give a fuck if we have to do surgery, so long as we're taking a step in some direction.  Borderline because I still totally and vehemently don't want to slice into Pony's leg.

I think I've handled this little snafu pretty well.  Mostly.  I find a direct correlation between his willingness to participate in bandage or wrap changes and my mood for the rest of the day/night.  Willing Archie?  Happy Beka.  Painful Archie?  Crying Beka.  I've joked that he does the world's slowest cow kick, but trying to put a bandage on a leg that is either touching his stomach or three feet behind him makes the situation a little less amusing.  When able, I recruit help by means of pushing the old man's butt over so he's forced to put weight on the leg.

I think the moral of the story is that we are both completely over this.

Nope nope.
Grocery shopping for carrots and a pizza pick-me-up, I ran into my BO.  He's been really good about asking about "our old man" when he sees me and he always tries to give me uplifting words.  I appreciate it.  This time, the words were about what an inspiration I am.  How most boarders are out for ninety minutes on Saturday, but here I am, leaving tracks in the grass when I park next to the barn in the morning.  (Seriously, I fucked up the grass.  There's a dead patch.  I apologized, but he just told me not to do any doughnuts where people could see me.)  He talked about how dedicated I've been for the last six weeks and then I had to correct him.  T E N .  Yeah.  S'okay.  I don't remember much of the first month, either.  And then I said I'd kill to be a Saturday morning 90-minuter.

(Thinking about the start of our tenth week made me think of Karen's vet's projection that it would take Izzy's comparable injury ten weeks or so to resolve.  If you haven't seen this, go check out another beautiful bay with another ginormous laceration on his left hind.)

Anyways, he told me that he would bury another penny for us.  I've never heard the expression before, but I'm touched by the sentiment.  Here's hoping Monday brings us some good news.

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  1. Fingers crossed it is the best of news.

  2. Thinking of you two!!

  3. Best of luck! I know how nerve wracking that time going into a recheck can be.

  4. You're gonna get great news because you are due some positive horse karma!

  5. C'mooooooon Archie's leg!

  6. Hang in there!!
    Sending tons of jingles for Archie :D

  7. All fingers/toes/hooves crossed from me and my herd for good news at your recheck!

  8. I will bury a whole piggy bank full of pennies for Archie. Thinking of you!

  9. Good thoughts for Monday!! Hope you are able to see a light at the end of the tunnel

  10. Here's hop that everything goes well

  11. Crossing everything I can foe good news

  12. Ugh, when Visa sliced his leg open he got to the point where he was OVER wrapping. He could stand on one leg to avoid being wrapped. It was awesome... not.

