All the Feels.

Last weekend, Archie threw the shoe that was hanging on by a thread.  I can't even find it in myself to be all that grumpy about the situation, because, whatever, it's going to happen.  I'm emotionally transitioning from "ride all the time!" to "hit the trails if the horse is comfortable and entact, otherwise just cuddle or hand walk".  This is more than just losing the disappointment about circumstances I have no control over (shoes, weather), but also losing the guilt when I just can't make it out there.

I texted my farrier about it and, surprisingly, he never replied.  Archie is due next Friday, so I figure I'll either boot him some this weekend to keep him going, or we'll hand-walk some.  Either way, time well spent with my horse.

To top all this lovey-dovey bullshit, I had one of those keen equestrian anthropomorphic moments earlier this week.  I went into Archie's pasture to look for the shoe.  He immediately greeted me and I gave him the couple of carrots I had and then showed him my hands were empty.  I proceeded to start walking the pasture in serpentines... and he followed.  I expected him to drop off after a lap, but Archie stayed with me for the twenty minutes it took for me to walk the entire pasture.  You may call it treat association, I call it love.  


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  1. Definitely love. Just ditch the guilt completely. Obviously, he enjoys seeing you even if it's just for a few carrots, and that's what really matters.

  2. He's just happy to be around you, no matter what you're doing. That's definitely love

  3. I'll take treat association fake-love any day. Gives me feels.

  4. Awww, can't help but love that face.

  5. Love this! <3 I am so there with Apollo right now.

  6. It's totally love!

    I've gotten over my self imposed guilt trips over lack of saddle time too. I still see the horses every day, most days twice a day. Hey are happy and healthy and we enjoy each others company - can't ask for more than that from life

  7. Definitely love! I love it when they follow you around. :)

  8. Sprry to hear about the thrown shoe - what a bummer. Also, Archie is super cute.

  9. Freakin adorable. Treat association couldn't possibly last that long, must be love!!! ;)

  10. Awwww. So sweet!

