Boldly They Rode and Well

After our normal Sunday trail ride, I took Archie solo to the same trail on Monday.  He's a little more antsy when he's by himself and notoriously an asshole on that specific trail.  But I am determined to make him love it, dammit.

 I led him over to the access point and his ears were pricked the entire time.  I let him pack a snack, mounted and we headed off at a forward, springy walk.  There were a few times in the initial start of the ride where he backed off a little, but a squeeze was sufficient.

This mane is out of control and why the fuck not?
I just can't get over what being trail lead over and over has done for his confidence.  He had a few naughty moments where he crow hopped a few times, but all-in-all, he was amazing.  The little filly squeal he gave when I backed his ass into a tree was adorable.  And we marked a few things off the Crippled Horse Bucket List:  trotting and cantering in the woods by our lonesome.  Even if the canter was animated as hell and the trot was an egg beater because he was pissed, I'm marking that shit off.  I was grinning ear to ear when we got back to the barn.  If we did it once, we can do it again, and it'll only get better from here.

Oh, hayyyy.  

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  1. Cantering in the woods alone sounds dreamyyyy! Have you seen the movie, Far From the Madding Crowd? The scenes where she rides are gorgeous and remind me of you riding Archie!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun! Just out of curiousity, what is that on his bit?

    1. Hah. That is his bit. I've been meaning to share it for a while now.. unless you're talking about the mouthful of clover. :)

    2. Not referring to the clover. Haha. You should definitely share more info!

  3. Arch man! I can't wait to hit the trails with you on the little ginger!

  4. Sounds so fun - there's nothing quite like the feeling of cantering through the woods!!

  5. So glad you guys are having such fun on the trails. They really are so relaxing and have so many of their own milestones ☺

  6. Time and miles improve all things <3

  7. Yay Archie! Jealous of the beautiful trails

  8. Love the out of control mane! I wish I had trails like that available without having to trailer.

