TOABH: Wish We Could

Let's pretend that financial restrictions don't exist and logistics isn't a nightmare.  If you could do anything with your Ponykins, what would you do?


I don't know that he's well suited for it mentally, but I would kill to take Archie fox hunting. Given that he excels at running (fortunately, not on a track), I think he'd love to be in a pack and galloping off after the hounds. 

For those who haven't had the pleasure of riding out first flight, here's an amazing video (with questionable footing, I'll say it) of a hunt in the UK.  I've never done anything quite like that!

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  1. That video is just incredible. How much bravery and trust that much take!

  2. My Kika went hunting in Ireland, with other riders not me. I have never been a fan of the thought of chasing down and killing a defenceless terrified animal. I understand why it is done, and let my horse go for the amazing education and grounding it gives equines - but couldn't partake myself. Double standards maybe...but they are all mine!

    1. Then you need to come hunt in America! I've never heard of a hunt killing a fox or a coyote. Often, we'll just do drags and lay a path with fox pee. Tamer and nothing gets hurts.

    2. Yeah they don't kill them over here!!

  3. Fox hunting seems like quite the thriller! I would never be brave enough though!

  4. I would love to fox hunt!!! I saw that video on Facebook and absolutely loved it! After watching it I'm kind of terrified to try it though hehe. If I ever did it I'd have to do one with teeny tiny jumps hehe. I can't wait to do this post. Going to be so much fun. Great blog hop!!

  5. Oh my goodness that video looked like so much fun! I'd love to try fox hunting sometime, but I don't think I'd have the courage

  6. yea i would really love to fox hunt - and i think isabel would be pretty good at it, except for the whole mud thing... i actually asked my trainer about it once and she doubted that isabel would risk separating from the herd just bc of some mud... food for thought!

  7. I foxhunted for 4 or 5 years, first flight. And I will say this- nothing beats the thrill of foxhunting on a good horse, galloping along with your friends across the countryside is just thrilling, and a helluva good time.

    However, foxhunting on an unsuited horse is potentially one of the most miserable things ever to be experienced.

    Ask me how I know :)

  8. I really miss fox hunting. Y'all need a trailer and then you could easily make this a reality!

  9. Ahhh yes I totally want to fox hunt too! I've done mock hunts but never the real thing.

  10. I've been hunting a few times but I just never fell in love with it. If you want to - you should just try it!

  11. Hunting is an absolute blast!!! You should look into local hunts in your area... you can totally make this happen!!

